Songtext zu 'Bye Bye Bye' von Joey Fatone

Bye Bye Bye ist ein Lied von Joey Fatone, dessen Text unzählige Suchanfragen hat, deshalb haben wir entschieden, dass es seinen Platz auf dieser Webseite verdient, zusammen mit vielen anderen Liedtexten, die Internetnutzer kennenlernen möchten.

Hey, hey
Bye bye bye, bye bye
Bye bye
I'm doing this tonight
You're probably gonna start a fight
I know this can't be right
Hey baby come on
I loved you endlessly
When you weren't there for me
So now it's time to leave and make it alone
I know that I can't take no more
It ain't no lie
I want to see you out that door
Baby bye bye bye

Don't want to be a fool for you
Just another player in your game for two
You may hate me, but it ain't no lie
Baby bye bye bye
Bye bye

Don't really want to make it tough
I just want to tell you that I've had enough
It might sound crazy, but it ain't no lie
Baby bye bye bye
You just hit me with the truth
Now, girl, you're more than welcome to
So give me one good reason
Baby come on

I've lived for you and me
And now I really come to see
That life would be much better once you're gone
I know that I can't take no more
It ain't no lie
I want to see you out that door
Baby bye bye bye
Don't want to be a fool for you
Just another player in your game for two
You may hate me, but it ain't no lie
Baby bye bye bye
Bye bye

Don't really want to make it tough
I just want to tell you that I've had enough
Might sound crazy, but it ain't no lie
Baby bye bye bye
I'm giving up, I know for sure
I don't' want to be the reason for your love, no more
Bye bye

I'm checking out, I'm signing off
I don't want to be the loser, and I've had enough
I don't want to be your fool in this game for two
So I'm leaving you behind
(Bye bye bye)

I don't want to make it tough
(Make it tough)
But I've had enough
And it ain't no lie
Don't want to be a fool for you
Just another player in your game for two
I don't want to be your fool
But it ain't no lie
Baby bye bye bye
Bye bye

Don't really want to make it tough
I just want to tell you that I've had enough
It might sound crazy, but it ain't no lie
Bye bye

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