Siehst du das Lied, das du magst, in dieser Liste der Lieder von John Wesley Harding?
Hier kannst du herausfinden, welche Lieder von John Wesley Harding am meisten gesucht werden.
- July 13th 1985 (The Live Aid Song)
- 50/50 Split
- A Fan Speaks
- A Singer's Request
- Affairs Of The Heart
- After The Fact
- An Audience With You
- Annachie Gordon
- Annan Water
- Anonymous 1916
- Backing Out
- Bad Dream Baby
- Bastard Son
- Bridegroom Blues
- Burn
- Careers Service
- Cathy's New Clown
- Come Gather Round
- Cupid And Psycho
- Dark Dark Heart
- Darwin
- Dead Centre Of Town
- Do Not Fear The Dark
- Don't Rain On Me Today
- Dreamfader
- Driving In The Rain
- Elvis Has Just left The Building
- Famous Man
- Female Rambling Sailor
- For An Actress
- Get Back Down
- God Lives Upstairs
- Goth Girl
- Handful Of Sand
- Hard
- Headful Of Something
- Heart Without A Home
- Here Comes The Groom
- Hitler's Tears
- Hostile Two Party System
- Humankind
- Humble Bee
- I Can Tell (When You're Telling Lies)
- I Just Woke Up
- I'm Staying Here (And I'm Not Buying A Gun)
- I'm Wrong About Everything
- Infinite Combinations
- Into The Wind
- It Stays
- It's All My Fault
- Jack In The Green
- Joan of Arc (The Ballad of La Pucelle)
- Kill The Messenger
- Kiss Me, Miss Liberty
- Kiss/Lover's Society
- Lambkin
- Little Musgrave
- Long Dead Gone
- Lord Bateman
- Lord Lovel
- Love's Reign Of Terror
- Making Love To Bob Dylan
- Master Kilby
- Me Against Me
- Meet The Sheep
- Merry-Go-Round
- Millionaire's Dream
- Miss Fortune
- Monkey And His Cat
- Negative Love
- Nothing At All
- Nothing I'd Rather Do
- Old Girlfriends
- One Night Only
- Ordinary Weekend
- Other People's Failure
- Our Lady Of The Highways
- Paradise
- People Love To Watch You Die
- Phil Ochs, Bob Dylan, Steve Goodman, David Blue And Me
- Poor Heart
- Pound Pound Pound
- Protest! Protest! Protest!
- Pull
- Punch'n'Judy
- Roy Orbison Knows (The Best Man's Song)
- Same Piece Of Air
- Same Thing Twice
- Sanguinary Butcher
- Save A Little Room For Me
- Scared Of Guns
- Shallow Brown
- She Never Talks
- She's A Piece Of Work
- Sleeper Awake
- Sluts
- Something To Write Home About
- Song I Wrote Myself In The Future
- Spaced Cowgirl
- Spaced Cowgirl
- Still Photo
- Sussex Ghost Story
- Sweat Tears Blood And Come
- Thank You, You're Welcome
- The Abandoned Baby
- The Biggest Monument
- The Bonny Bunch Of Roses
- The Common Kiss
- The Devil In Me
- The Facts Of Life
- The Fall Of The House Of Harding
- The Flandyke Shore
- The Golden Glove
- The Governess
- The Isle Of France
- The King Is Dead Boring
- The Lady Dressed In Green
- The Man With Two Surnames
- The Movie Of Your Life
- The Night He Took Her To The Fairground
- The Original Miss Jesus
- The Patron Saint Of Losers
- The People's Drug
- The Person You Are
- The Red Rose And The Briar
- The Secret Angel
- The Speed Of Normal
- The Triumph Of Trash
- The Truth
- The World (And All Its Problems)
- Things Snowball
- To Whom It May Concern
- Too Much Into Nothing
- When The Sun Comes Out
- When You Smile
- Where The Bodies Are
- Who You Really Are
- William And Nancy's Parting
- William Glenn
- Window Seat
- Wooden Overcoat
- World Of Light
- You And Your Career
- You In Spite Of Yourself
- You So&So
- You're Looking At Me
- You're No Good
- Your Ghost (Don't Scare Me No More)
John Wesley Harding ist das achte Studioalbum des amerikanischen Musikers Bob Dylan. Es erschien am 27. Dezember 1967 auf dem Plattenlabel Columbia Records und wurde von Bob Johnston produziert.
Nach einer von Rockmusik geprägten Schaffensphase und einem Rückzug aus der Öffentlichkeit kehrte der Singer-Songwriter hier zu einfachen Songstrukturen zurück und bediente sich erstmals Country-Einflüssen. John Wesley Harding wurde für Dylan zu einem kommerziellen Erfolg.
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