Songtext zu 'Here Come The Martian Martians' von Jonathan Richman

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Here come the Martain Martians,
And I wouldn't be surprised if they were riding on their Martian bike.
And we have to find out right now
What kind of flavor do these Martians like.

Here come the Martian Martians
And they're riding on their Martian bike
Well, we have to find out right now
What kind of ice cream do the Martians like?
Here come the Martian Martians
Why staying in such a cheap hotel?
Maybe we should help out the Martians
Looks like the Martians ain't doin' too well.

Martian time time time
Well, it's Martian rhyme time
We got a Martian rhyme for Martian Martian time
And the Martians got notebooks in their little hand
Well they're strangers in this land
Martian time It's Martian Martian time

Well, here come the Martian Martains.
They're trying to fight with rocks and sticks
Don't the Martians know better?
Looks like they're up to their same old tricks.
Well, here come the Martian Martians,
They got notebooks in their hand.
What are they trying to write down?
I guess they must be strangers in this land.

Martian rhyme rhyme
Well, Martian time time
Well, you got Martian rhymes for Martian Martian time.
See, the Martians have notebooks in their little hand.
See, they're still strangers in this land.
Martian time, it's Martian Martian time.

Well, here come the Martians
Baking up a Martian cake
We better find out right now
What kind of flavor do these Martians make.
Well, here come the Martian Martians,
There're Martian schoolgirls too
Well, I like the Martian schoolgirls,
And I hope they like me too.
Martian rhyme rhyme rhyme
It's Martian time time time
You got the Martian rhymes for Martian Martian time.

The Martians have notebooks in their little hand
Because they're strangers in this land.
Martian rhyme, it's Martian Martian time.
Well, here come the Martian Martians
Well, they're baking up a Martian pie
I hope the Martians like me
And give some to I.
Well, here come the Martian Martians,
Well, they're setting up a Kool-Aid stand.
Where's their financial advisor?
Somebody should take him by the hand.
Martian rhyme rhyme rhyme
Martian time time time
You got a Martian rhyme for Martian Martian time.
And the Martians have notebooks in their little hand
They're still strangers in this land
Martian rhyme, it's Martian Martian time.

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