Songtext zu 'Party In The Woods Tonight' von Jonathan Richman

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Auf unserer Webseite haben wir den kompletten Text des Liedes Party In The Woods Tonight, nach dem du gesucht hast.

Party In The Woods Tonight ist ein Lied von Jonathan Richman, dessen Text unzählige Suchanfragen hat, deshalb haben wir entschieden, dass es seinen Platz auf dieser Webseite verdient, zusammen mit vielen anderen Liedtexten, die Internetnutzer kennenlernen möchten.

Wenn du lange nach dem Text des Liedes Party In The Woods Tonight von Jonathan Richman gesucht hast, fang an, deine Stimme aufzuwärmen, denn du wirst nicht aufhören können, es zu singen.

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Well, the day it has gone, the night it has come,
The woods are all dark, but you're still a bum.
The moose go "moo!," the deers are there too,
And the monsters are cooking up a disgraceful soup for you
At the party in the woods tonight,
At the party in the pale moonlight,
So we gonna get on the floor, let's rock some more
At this party in the woods tonight.

Well, the bears are all there, they're in the pink,
They brought their favorite records, too bad they stink.
Well, the birds go "tweet!" and the elves look sweet,
And the monsters got these rock 'n' roll bells on their little feet.
At the party in the woods tonight,
At the party in the pale moonlight,
So we gonna get on the floor, let's rock some more
At the party in the woods tonight.

Well, hey there, mister party man, please let all us horrible monsters come.
I know we're gross, i know we're vile, but our ?? soup is gonna make you smile.
At the party in the woods tonight,
At the party in the pale moonlight,
So we gonna get on the floor and let's rock some more
At the party in the woods tonight.

Well, all right, monsters, i suppose, just don't forget to blow your nose.
Of course, kind sir, of course we will, we would not fill your woods with swill.
At the party in the woods tonight,
At the party in the pale moonlight,
So we gonna get on the floor and let's rock some more
At the party in the woods tonight.

Well, what kind of party is this one? us monsters are used to havin' fun.
Well, easy now, monsters, don't be snide, can't you all tell we're just repressed inside?
At the party in the woods tonight,
At the party in the pale moonlight,
So we gonna get on the floor and let's rock some more
Gonna call up the birds cause they've been practicin' the words
Invite the loons cause they remember all the tunes
At the party in the woods tonight
At the party
At the party
At the party.

Der häufigste Grund, den Text von Party In The Woods Tonight kennenlernen zu wollen, ist, dass du es wirklich magst. Offensichtlich, oder?

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Falls deine Suche nach dem Text des Liedes Party In The Woods Tonight von Jonathan Richman ist, weil es dich an jemanden Bestimmtes denken lässt, schlagen wir vor, dass du es ihm auf irgendeine Weise widmest, zum Beispiel, indem du ihm den Link zu dieser Webseite schickst, sicher wird er die Andeutung verstehen.

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