Songtext zu 'Black Dog' von Jonny Ratt

Black Dog ist ein Lied von Jonny Ratt, dessen Text unzählige Suchanfragen hat, deshalb haben wir entschieden, dass es seinen Platz auf dieser Webseite verdient, zusammen mit vielen anderen Liedtexten, die Internetnutzer kennenlernen möchten.

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I'me a black dog hey honey

I'me a black dog
That keeps running on the streets again
Smelling the love of this town, of this town
Full of dirty alleys
Where the lost ones can't be found

I am just a black dog, dog, dog, dog
Yeah Yeah

I'me going on my way for you honey
Nothing stops me to get what I want
I want
I'me opening the path to you

No mans land
Black dogs land

I'me just a fucking black dog
Smelling all the pussies in the city
The city of light

In the city I will find you
I will hunt you at night

All the things that I know about you
All the trash cans know about me
We live in the same places
But have different souls

This is no-mans land
Power to the black dog

I'me a black dog
Come to me honey

I'me coming from the wild wild side
Sin City I never leave, behind, behind
I'me on my way to the sinful life yeah

I'me running away from the cop's again
I bite them again, hey, Hey, Hey, Hey, Hey
Somebody, somebody accuses me

No-mans land
Power to the black dog
Makes me feel like a King of this town
In my soul I am not a black dog, dog, dog

I am just like you, you, you, yeas you

I'me smelling your panties, my sweet girl
When I am licking your legs I am a professional
Give me caress for I am your best friend
There's no man for the King black dog

Through the streets I'll keep on running
I will find my sweet Queen Bitch, forever

Aoooh, aoooh
I want your pussy baby

I'me just a fucking black dog
Looking for your smell honey

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