Songtext zu 'Your Backlash Against a PC Hysteria Is a Fucking Joke' von Kill The Man Who Questions

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hard up for an excuse. desperate for a point of view. shouting loud, you say your tongue's been crucified. so blame a liberal hysteria nationwide.
you're a victim, awwwe. or so you'd like us to believe. but your mouth's bound no tighter than your narrow mind.
you're just so frustrated without your due sympathy. so wage a war against the pc who restrict your freedom. the rights of the people hinge on calling other people pussies. what a blow to your manhood. who wears the pants anymore, when you can't even yell bitch in a crowded theater. my response, "fuck you." but you're not about to give those stuffy fags the satisfaction of preventing you from expressing your opinion. so align yourself with the other brilliant minds, fighting hard for your right to belittle the marginalized. but the real tragedy i'm pointing out in you situation has to do with the fact that your enemy is something you've imagined. just something you created to distract you from your own lack of originality. happy to keep your head buried in the toilet. getting angry when someone decides to slam the seat down. suffering from a yawning void in your personality, the total lack of any original or progressive thought. you've managed to target the same victims as the authorities you'd wish to smash.
pointing your finger at something that just isn't there.
riding an empty movement and buying into the stupidest backlash there ever was. so the next time you try to build up your punk rock image by throwing some cowardly words at a pc fascism remember, you're just exposing your lack of intelligence. you're not censored. you have nothing to say.

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