Songtext zu 'We've Tried Nothing And We're All Out Of Ideas' von Kill Your Idols

Auf unserer Webseite haben wir den kompletten Text des Liedes We've Tried Nothing And We're All Out Of Ideas, nach dem du gesucht hast.

We've Tried Nothing And We're All Out Of Ideas ist ein Lied von Kill Your Idols, dessen Text unzählige Suchanfragen hat, deshalb haben wir entschieden, dass es seinen Platz auf dieser Webseite verdient, zusammen mit vielen anderen Liedtexten, die Internetnutzer kennenlernen möchten.

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I think I've got a problem, yea, it's sad but true
Because after all this time I still think of you
I have no excuse and I don't know what to say
But these thoughts I gave of you still won't go away

So much time has passed it's the same pathetic song
I have to admit it's gone on for way too long

I think of our last talk and I wish I had more to say
But the sad truth once again, is that I still feel the same
I should've taken my advice in what I wrote about again
And learned there's nothing left to come after the end

I toss and turn and see your picture in my mind
It really doesn't matter because you left her behind
Like the story "IT" you don't remember my name
So I'm gonna end this song 'cause the subject is so lame

Es gibt viele Gründe, den Text von We've Tried Nothing And We're All Out Of Ideas von Kill Your Idols kennenlernen zu wollen.

Zu wissen, was der Text von We've Tried Nothing And We're All Out Of Ideas sagt, ermöglicht es uns, mehr Gefühl in die Performance zu legen.

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