Songtext zu 'Face To Face' von Kooma & Veela

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I'm a don when it comes to respecting myself
I keep the dust off of each little thing on the shelf
I've got a seashell, plucked from the ocean too soon
I've got a wolf figurine, howling up at the moon
I've got a cactus, in a cup full of dirt

If I fuck with it too much, guaranteed I'll get hurt
It innocently has spines do you think that it knows
That it'll never be loved on or be held close
It doesn't matter, it's just a fucking plant right
Just give it some water and place it in the light

There's an instruction booklet that I received as a token
It's from the local garden center across the street that just opened
It's overpriced, but they sell all kinds of cactus stuff
Guess I never should have looked up cactuses last month
This cookie'll follow me till I'm in the grave
Or til my mic gets a kick out of something else that I say

I should really get to know me
There's a lot I have to say
That I don't have access to
If I were facing me
Would I know how to hear
Her words that are mine too
I hate you

I correct little things that don't need to be messed with
I let people walk all over me and say that I'm helping
Gotta stop listening to people who hurt my feelings
Doesn't matter if they're close to me or think that they're being
Nice? I think they're missing the meaning
When you hurt me all I think is that maybe you're not hearing
The voice inside of you that tells you right from wrong
That you and yourself maybe don't get along

I should really get to know me
There's a lot I have to say
That I don't have access to
If I were facing me
Would I know how to hear
Her words that are mine too
I hate you

Face to face, skin to skin
You should let me in
Face to face, skin to skin
I can't get in

Let's take a look at the lower level of the bookcase in the front
I've been meaning to get rid of all this shit for months
Been keeping tickets and trinkets only 'cause I don't want to give them up
Guess I'm grounded in my memories and don't want to be beamed up
Back to watching what I say and watching what I does
And turning on my tech, so I can feel the love
This morning on the radio I heard someone
Ask to play a song from 1991
But that ain't me

I look into the mirror and I turn into a savage
No one can be meaner to myself than me
It's better if it's clear, so I make sure that I have it
Dusted up and down once or twice a week
I wonder if I'm near to a way to break the habit
Of breaking my own heart so that when I bleed
I make it disappear with a little bit of magic -
I don't know the bloody mess of which you speak

Maybe it's not that cut and dry
Maybe I just like to overanalyze
This face is probably on my side
'Cause it's mine
'Cause it's mine

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Ein sehr häufiger Grund, den Text von Face To Face zu suchen, ist der Wunsch, ihn gut zu kennen, weil er uns an eine besondere Person oder Situation denken lässt.

Streitest du mit deinem Partner, weil ihr verschiedene Dinge versteht, wenn ihr Face To Face hört? Den Text des Liedes Face To Face von Kooma & Veela zur Hand zu haben, kann viele Streitigkeiten beilegen, und wir hoffen, dass es so sein wird.

Es ist wichtig zu beachten, dass Kooma & Veela in Live-Konzerten nicht immer oder wird nicht immer treu zum Text des Liedes Face To Face sein... Es ist also besser, sich auf das zu konzentrieren, was das Lied Face To Face auf der Platte sagt.

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