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- Honor Him (feat. Hans Zimmer)
- Now We Are Free
- The Human Game
- Hymns Of A Promised Land
- Man On Fire
- The Secret Language Of Angels
- 2:22
- 2:23
- 38 Weeks
- A Drop Of Water
- A Haunting Photo
- A Healer's Life (feat. Jeff Rona)
- A Higher Purpose
- A Kingdom Now Forgotten
- A Near Miss
- A Proper Christmas Dinner
- A Realm Reborn
- A Tale of Tails
- A Thousand Roads (feat. Jeff Rona)
- A World Without End
- Abscond
- Abwoon
- Adagio (feat. Pieter Bourke)
- Addagio For a Broken Promise
- Adrift
- Adventure Untold
- After Everything
- Aldavyeem (A Time To Dance)
- All Along The Watchtower
- All That Remains (feat. Hans Zimmer)
- All Things Impermanent
- All Your Relatives (feat. Jeff Rona)
- Am I Not Merciful? (feat. Hans Zimmer)
- Am I Not Worthy
- Amergin's Invocation
- America
- An Emptiness In Me
- An Hini A Garan
- Ancestors
- Apartment #32
- Aria
- Armira
- Arriving At The Village
- Arriving At The Winery
- Asena
- Australia
- Awakenings (feat. HAVASI)
- Back In Time
- Balaraat (Meeting Place)
- Bali Girls
- Baloon Ride
- Bangladesh
- Banki
- Barbarian Horde (feat. Hans Zimmer)
- Bare Island (feat. Hans Zimmer)
- Barrel Room
- Bath
- Bazylika NSJ
- Become
- Bedtime Story
- Beyond Burrow
- Biking Home
- Birth
- Bishop Meets Dan
- Black Attack (feat. Pieter Bourke)
- Black Forest
- Black Stream
- Blackheart
- Blinded
- Blood Framed Hell (feat. Christopher Young)
- Bloody Pirates
- Bowed, Unbroken
- Broken
- Brothel
- Busy Little Bee
- Bylar
- Call Of The Steppes - Part I
- Call Of The Steppes - Part II
- Call Of The Steppes - Part III
- Can I Help You? (feat. James Orr)
- Cantara
- Canyons of Manhattan (feat. Jeff Rona)
- Cattails (feat. Marcello De Francisci)
- Cebu (feat. Michael Stearns & Marcello de Francisci)
- Centerfold (feat. Dead Can Dance)
- Change Of Plan (feat. James Orr)
- Charge 360
- Childhood Reflections
- Christmas Is Cancelled (feat. Marcello de Francisci)
- Circular (feat. Klaus Schulze)
- Cleaning Out The Rubbish At Bindoon
- Come Quietly
- Come Tenderness
- Come This Way
- Coming Home
- Coming To Barrow (feat. Jeff Rona)
- Confession (feat. Dominik Wania)
- Converting The Priest (feat. Christopher Gordon)
- Cor Nobilis - The Gentle Ones (feat. Marcello de Francisci)
- Could Be Just Coincidence
- Courage
- Courthouse Run
- Crash Aftermath
- Creation Choral
- Crow, Bishop Gang (feat. Marcello de Francisci)
- Dagger & Rose
- Dan & Jane Flee Town (feat. Marcello De Francisci)
- Dan on the Ridge
- Dan Watches Jane
- Daniel Prays
- Dawn Across The Snow
- Dawn Of The Truth (feat. Pieter Bourke)
- Dawn's Sunset
- Death Beckons
- Death Smiles At All Of Us
- Departum
- Desert Song
- Deshta (Forever)
- Det. Rafferty Blues
- Devota
- Devotion
- Diary For The Fallen
- Disappointed
- Do So Yol (Gather The Wind)
- Do You Still Talk To Her?
- Dream Sequence
- Dream Song
- Drive To The Warehouse
- Dubai
- Duduk Of The North
- Dump / Igen (feat. Marcello de Francisci & Michael Stearns)
- Earth
- Earth & Sky
- Elegy
- Elevator Music
- Elysium
- Empty Water
- End Titles
- Endless Tragedy
- Enemy Territory
- Entry
- Estelita
- Ever After
- Ex Nihilo - Out Of Nothingness
- Exile
- Eyes Meet
- Faith (feat. Pieter Bourke)
- Family Life
- Fanfare For A Resurrected Priestess
- Far From Home
- Figurines
- Final Battle
- Fire & Fang
- First Love
- Fitchum
- Food Chain (feat. Marcello de Francisci)
- Forgotten Language
- Founders' Respite
- Free In Spirit
- Garrote
- Geisha
- Go Forward
- Godspell
- Good Morning Indian Country
- Goodnight
- Gortoz A Ran
- Hairspray
- Ham Falls (feat. Marcello de Francisci)
- Ham Wants Jane (feat. Marcello de Francisci)
- Haurvatat (feat. Telekine)
- Have I Frightened You?
- Have That Or My Loyalty
- Hear Something? (feat. Marcello de Francisci)
- Heleali (The Sea Will Rise)
- Here For You
- Hidden Garden
- Himalaya
- Hiraeth
- Hologram (feat. James Orr)
- Homecoming
- Hommage À Polska
- Hope
- I Am
- I Ask For Love
- I Can't Breathe (feat. Marcello de Francisci)
- I Was Here And You Were Gone
- I Will Never Forgive (feat. Michael Edwards)
- I'll Rip You Apart
- I'm Alone On This
- Ichi's Lantern (feat. Michael Edwards)
- Ichi's Memory (feat. Michael Edwards)
- Iguazu
- Illuminate (feat. Stefano Guzzetti)
- Immortal Memory
- Impermanence
- In Control (feat. James Orr)
- In Darkness
- In Exile
- In Loving Memory
- In Search Of Lost Innocence
- In The Beginning Was The Word
- Indus
- Industry (feat. Jesse Watt)
- Injection (feat. Hans Zimmer)
- Insight
- It Could've Been Worse (feat. James Orr)
- It's Been A Long Time
- It's Been In The Papers
- Jack Arrives
- Jane Goes West (feat. Marcello de Francisci)
- Jane Meets Bishop (feat. Marcello de Francisci)
- Jane Shot Vic Standoff (feat. Marcello de Francisci)
- Jane's Story (feat. Marcello de Francisci)
- Jerusalem (feat. Marcello de Francisci)
- Johnny In The Dark
- Journey Across The Salt Plains
- Journey Away
- Journey To Bindoon
- Junky Fight
- Kampania Wrzesniowa (feat. Klaus Schulze)
- Karbala Finale (feat. Cezary Skubiszewski)
- Katie Safe (feat. Marcello De Francisci)
- Katrina
- Keson (Until My Strength Returns)
- Ladakh (feat. Michael Stearns)
- Lament (feat. Zbigniew Preisner)
- Largo
- LB In Montana
- Leaving For East Timor
- Let The Children Play (Bonus Track)
- Let The Rest Go (feat. Marcello de Francisci)
- Let Yourself Out (feat. James Orr)
- Let's Go See Jane (feat. Marcello de Francisci)
- Licht Und Schatten (feat. Klaus Schulze)
- Liquid Coincidence 1
- Liquid Coincidence 2
- Liquid Coincidence 3
- Liquid Coincidence 4
- Liquid Coincidence 5
- Liquid Coincidence 6
- Liquid Coincidence 7
- Liquid Moon (feat. Pieter Bourke)
- Lizzie Dies
- Loading Lesson
- Love Theme
- Love Transcends Time (feat. James Orr)
- Main Theme
- Manila (feat. Marcello de Francisci)
- Mano a Mano (feat. Hans Zimmer)
- Maranatha (Come Lord)
- Margaret Arrives
- Marrakesh Marketplace
- Maximus (feat. Gavin Greenaway, The Lyndhurst Orchestra)
- Maya’s Dream
- Meet You At The Clock (feat. James Orr)
- Meltdown
- Millhurst Express (feat. James Orr)
- Mirror Medusa
- Mission School
- Modern Life (feat. Marcello de Francisci)
- Monolith (feat. David Kuckhermann)
- Montage (feat. Marcello de Francisci)
- Necklace
- Neptune
- Never One For Love
- Never Surrender (feat. Michael Edwards)
- Nightcap
- Nightmare (feat. Dominik Wania)
- No Witnesses
- Nocturne (feat. Dominik Wania)
- Not Really Sure
- Not Yet (feat. Hans Zimmer)
- Nothing Is Going To Happen To You
- Noyalain (Burn)
- Noyalain (Burn)
- O' King, O' Liege
- Ocean Lament
- Ocean Of Innocence (feat. Klaus Schulze)
- Of Love Undone
- Off To Melbourne
- On An Ocean
- Once Upon a Time In The West (feat. Michael Allen)
- One Perfect Sunrise
- Orenda (feat. David Kuckhermann)
- Organics
- Organics Excerpt
- Orion (The Weary Huntsman)
- Orleans (feat. Chicane)
- Our Kingdom Came
- Our Memories
- Out Of Control (feat. James Orr)
- Pagan
- Pai Calls The Whales
- Pai Theme
- Paikea Legend
- Paikea's Whale
- Palladino Montage
- Paradise Lost
- Patricide
- Patterns (feat. James Orr)
- Peace Be With You (feat. Lorne Balfe, Hans Zimmer)
- Please Don't Take Her
- Pride
- Progeny
- Promised King
- Psallit In Aure Dei
- Rachel Helps
- Rare and Special
- Rattlesnake (feat. David Kuckhermann)
- Read At Graves
- Red Horizon
- Redemption
- Reiputa
- Rejection
- Renunciation
- Resistance (feat. Hans Zimmer)
- Reunion
- Ride Of The Gargoyles
- Ring String
- Rise Up With Faith
- Rite Of Passage (feat. David Kuckhermann)
- River Dance
- River Of Plastic
- Roger Breaks Down
- Roger Confronts The Prisoner
- Roma's Lament
- Rome Is The Light
- Roots
- Rowing Warriors
- Rumble
- Ryomaden
- Sacred Journey
- Sacrifice
- Sagazan
- Sailing To Byzantium
- Salem's Lot Aria
- Salem's Lot Theme
- Sanvean (Live At The Mayfair Theater)
- Secret Business
- Secret Stealing
- Secrets
- See The Sun
- Serenity
- Seven Seas
- Seville
- Shadow Hunter
- Shadowlights
- She Spoke To Me
- She's Not There
- Shelter
- Showdown (feat. Hans Zimmer)
- Siege (feat. Marcello de Francisci)
- Simon And Bolivia
- Slaves To Rome
- Sleep
- Sleeper
- Slow Jeremiah (feat. Marcello de Francisci)
- Solace
- Solemn March
- Solitude (feat. Marcello de Francisci)
- Something Is Troubling You
- Sorrow (feat. Hans Zimmer)
- Soul Searching
- Space Weaver
- Spanish Ballerina (feat. Klaus Schulze)
- Spirit Guide (feat. Engine Earz Experiment)
- St. Peters
- Stop The Cab (feat. James Orr)
- Strength And Honor
- Suitcase
- Sükhe
- Surrender To Silence
- Swans
- Swimming And Skiing
- Sword Of The Samurai
- Symphony of Sorrowful Songs - I. Lento - Sostenuto Tranquillo Ma Cantabile
- Symphony of Sorrowful Songs - II. Lento E Largo - Tranquillissimo
- Symphony of Sorrowful Songs - III. Lento - Cantabile-semplice
- Taboo
- Tell It From The Mountain
- Tempest
- That's What You Always Do (feat. Pieter Bourke)
- The Aftermath
- The Balibo Five
- The Battle (feat. Hans Zimmer)
- The Black Opal
- The Creeping Black
- The Crossing
- The da Varsaw Code (feat. Klaus Schulze)
- The Emperor Is Dead
- The End
- The Gardener
- The Gathering Storm
- The General Who Became A Slave
- The Gladiator Waltz (feat. Hans Zimmer)
- The Help I Mentioned (feat. Marcello de Francisci)
- The Host Of Seraphim
- The Interrogation
- The Invasion (feat. Marcello De Francisci)
- The Lake
- The Lost Phoenix
- The Lost Star of Menelik (Bonus Track)
- The Maharaja
- The Memory Of The Goze (feat. Michael Edwards)
- The Messenger
- The Might Of Rome
- The Mob
- The Monster Living In Your Head
- The Nativity (feat. Lorne Balfe)
- The Nomad's Path
- The Northern Lights (feat. Jeff Rona)
- The Path Ahead (feat. Michael Edwards)
- The Protector Of Rome
- The Same People (feat. James Orr)
- The Sea Whisperer
- The Serpent And The Dove
- The Short Time Upon This Earth
- The Silencer (feat. Pieter Bourke)
- The Slave Who Became A Gladiator
- The Song Of Amergin
- The Song Of Amergin
- The Spirit Awakens
- The Stars (feat. James Orr)
- The Starving Steppe (feat. Cye Wood)
- The Storm (feat. HAVASI)
- The Subordinate (feat. Pieter Bourke)
- The Trial of the Chosen
- The Usual Suspects
- The Valley Of The Moon
- The Vampire Train
- The Veil
- The Volcano
- The Wheat
- The Wind And The Goze (feat. Michael Edwards)
- The Wind That Shakes The Barley
- They Came To Die
- They Just Want To Know
- Thousand Hands
- Tigon (feat. Cye Wood)
- Time Flies Away (feat. Pieter Bourke)
- Time Passes (feat. David Kuckhermann)
- Time Stands Still (feat. James Orr)
- To Those We Love (feat. Dominik Wania)
- To Those Who Seek Forgiveness
- To Zuccabar (feat. Hans Zimmer)
- Together Mother & Daughter
- Too Far Gone
- Touma's Story (feat. Michael Edwards)
- Towards The Tower
- Train Wreck
- Trashed Apartment
- Tribes Unrealised
- Try To Remember
- Turn off the Lights
- TV Screen Memories (feat. David Hobson)
- Unity (feat. Klaus Schulze)
- Urban Jungle (feat. David Kuckhermann)
- Valley Of Shadows (feat. Zbigniew Preisner)
- Vehadi (feat. The Genesis Orchestra)
- Vespers (feat. Patrick Cassidy)
- Villages And Freeways
- Vineyard
- Waka In The Sky
- Wake Up (feat. Valley Of Shadows)
- Walk In Beauty's Way
- Wandering Star
- War Machine
- Washed Away
- Watchtower
- Wayfarer
- We Can Trace Her Journey
- We Shouldn't Do This
- Wedding Day
- What Did You Do?
- What Was She Like?
- What's My Name?
- Where The Hell Is She?
- Whisper
- Who Are We To Say (feat. Jeff Rona)
- Who Are You?
- Who Was Crucified?
- Wisdom
- Wisdom Of Wind
- Womb (feat. Patrick Cassidy)
- Wyld's Call (feat. Michael Allen)
- You Look Just Like Her
- You Needed Me Here
- You Saved Me (feat. James Orr)
- You're a Liar
- Yukis Lullaby (feat. David Kuckhermann)
- Yulunga (Spirit Dance)
Lisa Gerrard OAM (* 12. April 1961 in Melbourne) ist eine australische Musikerin, Komponistin und Sängerin.
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