Songtext zu 'The Carrion Call' von Misery Index

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Bring out your dead...

Call of the carrion crow, civilized man had no friend
Whale of the silent sea, the ocean is yours, they've left it empty
Hawk and the emerald dove, soar and sail on wings above
Across halcyon streams, to a place where madmen once would dream

Cast your senses, to another world
Back a millennia, another time when
Savage squatters, remade the earth

And Gaia screamed
As she was raped
Then after, thereafter, she took revenge

Rusting towers, roots spreading
Asphalt cracking, under live oak
Vines entangle, the shells they once called their homes

Termination, billions composted
Germination, merged cadavers into peat
Resurrection, food for the earthworms
Fertilizing dead sward in turn

Solitude, sacrosanct, as Gaia speaks through whip-poor-wills at first daybreak

Propagation, feces and flesh fructify
Sown asunder, corpses blended with the soil
Transmutations, spill forth from Gaia's womb

Life comes screaming, overdue, on a landscape free of man

Beasts of a broken line, fill the void on silent earth
Heed the carrion call...rebirth

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