Songtexte von Municipal Waste

  1. Unleash The Bastards
  2. Sadistic Magician
  3. Slime And Punishment
  4. The Thrashin' Of The Christ
  5. You're Cut Off
  6. 12 Step Program
  7. A.D.D.(Attention Deficit Destroyer)
  8. Abusement Park
  9. Accelerated Vision
  10. Acid Sentence
  11. Amateur Sketch
  12. Authority Complex
  13. Bangover
  14. Beer Pressure
  15. Black Ice
  16. Blood Drive
  17. Blood Hunger
  18. Born To Party
  19. Bourbon Discipline
  20. Breathe Grease
  21. Car-Nivore (Street Meat)
  22. Chemically Altered
  23. Covered in Sick/ The Barfer
  24. Crushing Chest Wound
  25. Death Prank
  26. Death Proof
  27. Death Tax
  28. Deathripper
  29. Dingy Situations
  30. Divine Blasphemer
  31. Dropped Out
  32. Drunk As Shit
  33. Enjoy The Night
  34. Excessive Celebration
  35. Guilty Of Being Tight
  36. Hazardous Mutation
  37. Headbanger Face Rip
  38. Horny For Blood
  39. I Just Wanna Rock
  40. I Want To Kill The President
  41. Idiot Check
  42. Jesus Freaks
  43. Jock Pit
  44. Knife Fight
  45. Low Tolerance
  46. Lunch Hall Food Brawl
  47. Masked By Delirium
  48. Massive Aggressive
  49. Mech-Cannibal
  50. Media Skeptic
  51. Mental Shock
  52. Mind Eraser
  53. Mourning Sex
  54. Mutants Of War
  55. Nailed Casket
  56. New Dead Masters
  57. Open Your Mind
  58. Parole Violators
  59. Poison The Preacher
  60. Radioactive Force
  61. Relentless Threat
  62. Repossession
  63. Residential Disaster
  64. Rigorous Vengeance
  65. Rum For Your Life
  66. Septic Detonation
  67. Set To Destruct
  68. Shredded Offering
  69. Shrednecks
  70. Standards and Practices
  71. Substitute Creature
  72. Sweet Attack
  73. Terror Shark
  74. The Art of Partying
  75. The Fatal Feast
  76. The Inebriator
  77. The Last Rager
  78. The Monster With 21 Faces
  79. The Mountain Wizard
  80. The Thing
  81. The Wrath of The Severed Head
  82. Think Fast
  83. Thrash?! Don't Mind If I Do
  84. Thrashing's My Business... And Business Is Good!
  85. Toxic Revolution
  86. Trapped In The Sites
  87. Unholy Abductor
  88. Upside Down Church
  89. Waste 'Em All
  90. Wave Of Death
  91. Wolves of Chernobyl
  92. Wrong Answer

Municipal Waste ist eine US-amerikanische Crossover-Band aus Richmond in Virginia, die im Jahr 2000 gegründet wurde.

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