Liebst du die Lieder von Mystikal? Hier findest du die Texte zu Mystikals Liedern, damit du sie aus vollem Halse singen, deine eigenen Versionen kreieren oder einfach genau verstehen kannst, was sie bedeuten.
Finde hier die Texte zu deinen Lieblingsliedern von Mystikal.
- Smashing The Gas
- Danger
- "Tarantula"
- Always Look A Man In The Eyes
- Shake Ya Ass
- "Big Truck Boys"
- "Big Truck Driver"
- "Born 2 Be a Soldier"
- "Come See About Me"
- "Dedicated to Michelle Tyler"
- "Dick on the track"
- "Family"
- "Game (Triple H Theme)"
- "Gangstas"
- "Ghetto Child"
- "Ghetto Fabulous"
- "Go 'Head"
- "Here We Go"
- "I Smell Smoke"
- "I'm On Fire"
- "If It Ain't Live, It Ain't Me"
- "It Yearns"
- "Jump Any Given"
- "Let's Go Do It"
- "Life Ain't Cool"
- "Light it Up"
- "Mind of Mystikal"
- "Never gonna bounce (The Dream)"
- "Ooooh Yeah"
- "Out That Boot Camp Clicc"
- "Pussy Crook"
- "Ready to Rumble"
- "Respect My Mind"
- "Round Out Tha Tank"
- "Runnin from the Police"
- "Settle The Score"
- "Shake Somethin'"
- "Shine"
- "Sleepin' With Me"
- "Smoke One"
- "Smoke Something"
- "Smoked Out"
- "Stack Yo Chips"
- "That's That Shit"
- "The Braids"
- "The Edge of the Blade"
- "The Man Right 'Chea"
- "The Stick Up"
- "U Can't Handle This"
- "U Would If U Could"
- "Unpredictable"
- "We Got the Clout"
- "Whacha Want, Whacha Need"
- "What Cha Think"
- "What's Your Alias?"
- "Who Rock This?"
- "Y'all Ain't Ready Yet"
- "Yahh!"
- 13 Years
- Ain't Gonna See Tomorrow
- Ain't No Limit
- Bouncin' Back (Bumping Me Against The Wall
- Chetto Fabolous
- Come & See About Me
- Danger (Radio Edit)
- Dedicated To Michelle Tyler
- Did I Do It
- Dirty South, Dirty Jerz
- Here We Go
- Hit Me
- I Fold All
- I Rock, I Roll
- Keep It Hype
- Let's Get Ready (Shaft Soundtrack)
- Mr.Hood Critic
- Murder 2
- Murderer
- Mystikal Fever
- Neck Uv Da Woods
- Ooh Yea
- Out That Boot Camp Clicc
- Pussy Pop
- Still Smokin'
- Stutter
- Testin testin testin
- That Nigga Ain't Shit!
- That's The Nigga
- There He Go
- Yaah!!!
Mystikal (* 22. September 1970 in New Orleans; bürgerlich Michael Ernest Tyler) ist ein US-amerikanischer Rapper. Er ist im Hip-Hop-Subgenre Down South tätig und nennt sich selbst Prince of the South („Prinz des Südens“).
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