Songtext zu 'Just Another Heartache' von Niva

Just Another Heartache ist ein Lied von Niva, dessen Text unzählige Suchanfragen hat, deshalb haben wir entschieden, dass es seinen Platz auf dieser Webseite verdient, zusammen mit vielen anderen Liedtexten, die Internetnutzer kennenlernen möchten.

Always been a ladies man
Try to look the best you can
Take the love you get for sure
But the years are passing by
So how hard you even try
You don't have it anymore
You start hitting on the fans
Looking for a short romance

Just another heartache - I see
Just another heartache for me
When nobody's calling your name
Ain't that a shame?
Just another heartache - it's true
Just another heartache for you
When you look for fortune and fame
Am I to blame?

Do you even have a choice
Listening to your inner voice
Tell the lies you wanna hear
You were once a charming man
Now you hide it with your tan
Fine perfume and golden chains
Love has always been your curse
When you're old you'll date a nurse

Just another heartache - I see
Just another heartache for me
When nobody's calling your name
Ain't that a shame?
Just another heartache - it's true
Just another heartache for you
When you look for fortune and fame
Am I to blame?
Just another heartache

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