Songtext zu 'Funny Little Creatures' von Nothing More

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It's funny how I can give the best advice
But I can't follow
So I tell myself, so I tell myself
It's funny how I can push the pills but
But I can't swallow
So I tell myself, so I tell myself

Run away!

Blame is a coward but self-righteous
A funny little creature hiding out in me
Hate is power with a price tag
A funny little creature screaming out in me

(This might hurt a little)

It's funny how the stories that I tell myself
Leave so many things out
Do I believe myself
Or someone else?
It's funny how I know what's wrong
About everything and everyone else
When I don't know myself
When I don't know myself

Run away!

Blame is a coward but self-righteous
A funny little creature hiding out in me
Hate is power with a price tag
A funny little creature screaming out in me

Listen to me!

Fear is a liar but he's been right before
If you fight your shadow, you'll get lost in a war
Ambition is a champ, but he's also a whore
Drunk or sober, he always wants more
I always want more
I always want more

Lust is beauty in a body bag
A funny little bitch that's screaming: Just use me!

Blame is a coward but self-righteous
A funny little creature screaming out in me
Oh, let me go! Oh, let me go!
He's screaming out in me

It's gonna get worse before it gets better!
It's gonna get worse before it gets better!
Bite down and trust me

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Es ist wichtig zu beachten, dass Nothing More in Live-Konzerten nicht immer oder wird nicht immer treu zum Text des Liedes Funny Little Creatures sein... Es ist also besser, sich auf das zu konzentrieren, was das Lied Funny Little Creatures auf der Platte sagt.

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