Songtexte von NyxTheShield

Siehst du das Lied, das du magst, in dieser Liste der Lieder von NyxTheShield?

  1. Nostophobia (feat. SquigglyDigg)
  2. Redemption
  3. Undertale - Asgore (Vocal Drum And Bass Remix)
  4. Broken Truce
  5. Closure (Vocal Version)
  6. Soulless Heart
  7. Valiant Heart (feat. Melodiva)
  8. Whispering Flowers
  9. A Call From The Past
  10. A Cure for Amnesia
  11. A Dreemurr's Return
  12. A Familiar Theme
  13. A Gift
  14. A Last Strike Back
  15. A Message
  16. A Nightmare Appears
  17. A Sweet Nightmare
  18. A Welcoming Smile
  19. Abrupt Onslaught
  20. Accentus
  21. Advent
  22. Aftermath
  23. Alternation
  24. Ambitions & Illusions
  25. Amended
  26. Animus
  27. Asgore the Fallen King
  28. Ashen
  29. Augury
  30. Awaited Return
  31. Back To The Start
  32. Bakery Show
  33. Battered Hero
  34. Bete Noire
  35. Betrayal
  36. Bitter Reception
  37. Black Apple
  38. Blooming Flowers
  39. Bonds
  40. Bonehead
  41. Bonestrife
  42. Booyah!
  43. Breaking Point
  44. Bring It On
  45. Bring It Onwards!
  46. Broken Boundaries
  47. Broken Heart
  48. Bruh
  49. Brushwork
  50. Burning Cold
  51. By My Side
  52. Childhood Anew
  53. Closure
  54. Confrontation
  55. Core-Versation
  56. Corrupted Hope
  57. Corruption
  58. Coward
  59. Cross's Theme
  60. Crossed Souls
  61. Dauntless Assault
  62. Dauntless Assault (Vocal Version)
  63. Daydreaming
  64. Debriefing
  65. Deceit
  66. Deep Realization
  67. Defective Prototype
  68. Defiled
  69. Demonic Presence
  70. Desires & Delusions
  71. Dismantle
  72. Document and Record
  73. Don't
  74. Don't Forget
  75. Door Area
  76. Doppelgangers
  77. Dreadful
  78. Dream Presage
  79. Dreemurrs United
  80. Duplicity
  81. Echoes
  82. Embodiment Of a True Hero
  83. Embodiment Of a Yellow Devil
  84. Embracing The Void
  85. Encounter
  86. Erased
  87. Eventful
  88. Everlasting Flowers
  89. Excluded
  90. Extinguish
  91. Fading Away
  92. Faithfully
  93. Fallen
  94. Famous
  95. Fanfare
  96. Fearless Gallant
  97. Fearless Terror
  98. Finale!?
  99. Flowering Hallucination
  100. Forced Recall
  101. Foreboding
  102. Foreseen Choices
  103. Foreshadow
  104. Forget
  105. Forgiven
  106. Forgiveness
  107. Fragmented Truce
  108. Friendly Foe
  109. Friendship
  110. Fulfilled Presage
  111. Futile Measures
  112. Future
  113. Gateway to a Happier Place
  114. Genesis
  116. Gloomy Endeavors
  117. Golden Seraph
  118. Guardian Automata
  119. Halcyon
  120. Hateful
  121. Hatred Horror
  122. Heart Of Gold
  123. Hearthbound
  124. Heartmending
  125. Hideaway
  126. Hollowed
  127. Home New Home
  128. Homecoming
  129. Hope
  130. Hopeless
  131. Hopes and Dreams (feat. GatoPaint)
  132. Hopes And Dreams Will Save The World (feat. GatoPaint)
  133. I Won't Die
  134. Impasse
  135. In Vain
  136. Indoctrination
  137. Inking Mistake
  138. Insurrect
  139. Intermission
  140. Into a Clear Void
  141. Isolated
  142. Kaiserherz
  143. Kindness
  144. Last Respite
  145. Leader's Burden
  146. Life in Blue
  147. Life In Grey
  148. Like Them
  149. Lost Girl's Ballad
  150. Love?
  151. Made Of Frustration
  152. Medley For a Broken Sky
  153. Megalomaniac
  154. Melancholy
  155. Memories
  156. Mending Hearts
  157. Metal, Metal Crusher
  158. Misery
  159. Mismatch
  160. Monotony
  161. Morning Flowers
  162. Mtt.OS
  163. NEO Fear
  164. New Man Old Habits
  165. Newfound Peace
  166. Nightmares
  167. No Sunshine
  168. Not Black Nor White
  169. Not Your Time
  170. Numb the Mind
  171. Oblivion
  172. Occisor
  173. OMEGAΩ
  174. Omen
  175. Our Legacy
  176. Our Reality
  177. Our Theme
  178. Overdrive
  180. Past Tense
  181. Perennial
  182. Polis
  183. Powerless
  184. Prelude To Darkness
  185. Presentiment
  186. Prologue
  187. Reality
  188. Recollection
  189. Reflections
  190. Regrets
  191. Reincarnation
  192. Rekindle
  193. Relieved Tension
  194. Relight
  195. Remembrance
  196. Repair
  197. Resentiment
  198. Retrospective
  199. Revelation
  200. Rho
  201. Sacrifice
  202. Save The World (feat. GatoPaint)
  203. Saving The World
  204. Second Chance
  205. SEG_FAULT
  206. Selfish Motives
  207. Sigma Signal
  208. Snowy Truth
  209. Sorrowful Melancholy
  210. Stars In The Sky
  211. Subliminal Gift
  212. Surprise
  213. Sweet Sweet Swagger
  214. Switch!
  215. Tangled
  216. Tech Talk
  217. The Harsh Truth
  218. The Strongest Hate
  219. The Undying
  220. Thicket
  221. Toriel's Lullaby
  222. Torment
  223. Trapped in Deception
  224. Trapped Soul
  225. Tricked
  226. True LOVE
  227. Truth
  228. Twisted Spectacle
  229. Uncertainty
  230. Undertale
  231. Undertale (6th Anniversary)
  232. Undertale Anime Ending
  233. Unforgiven
  234. Unmasked Emotions
  235. Vanquisher
  236. Vantablack
  237. Warm Smile
  238. Wavering Confidence
  239. Whereabouts
  240. Whisper Of Beauty
  241. Whispers of the Past
  242. Wicked Extravaganza
  243. Will
  244. Wiretapped
  245. Wistfully
  246. Withering Flowers
  247. XTale - Timeline II
  248. XTale - Timeline VI
  249. XTale - Timeline VII
  250. Yearning
  251. Zeal

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