Songtexte von One Direction

Liebst du die Lieder von One Direction? Hier findest du die Texte zu One Directions Liedern, damit du sie aus vollem Halse singen, deine eigenen Versionen kreieren oder einfach genau verstehen kannst, was sie bedeuten.

Wir haben alle Liedtexte von One Direction gesammelt, die wir finden konnten, damit diejenigen, die wie du nach Liedern von One Direction suchen, sie alle an einem Ort finden.

Finde hier die Texte zu deinen Lieblingsliedern von One Direction.

  1. You & I
  2. Night Changes
  3. Story Of My Life
  4. Perfect
  5. Little Things
  6. Steal My Girl
  7. What Makes You Beautiful
  8. Right Now
  9. 18
  10. If I Could Fly
  11. Over Again
  12. Drag Me Down
  13. Fireproof
  14. They Don't Know About Us
  15. Fool's Gold
  16. History
  17. One Thing
  18. Through The Dark
  19. What a Feeling
  20. Moments
  21. More Than This
  22. End of The Day
  23. Walking In The Wind
  24. Strong
  25. Best Song Ever
  26. Infinity
  27. Midnight Memories
  28. Happily
  29. Kiss You
  30. No Control
  31. One Way Or Another (Teenage Kicks)
  32. Where do Broken Hearts Go
  33. Olivia
  34. Girl Almighty
  35. Rock Me
  36. I Want to Write You a Song
  37. Love You Goodbye
  38. Summer Love
  39. Pick Your Poison
  40. Home
  41. Long Way Down
  42. Diana
  43. Half a Heart
  44. Last First Kiss
  45. Live While We're Young
  46. Stole My Heart
  47. Truly Madly Deeply
  48. I Would
  49. Ready To Run
  50. Stockholm Syndrome
  51. Temporary Fix
  52. Change My Mind
  53. Gotta Be You
  54. I Wish
  55. Irresistible
  56. She's Not Afraid
  57. Up All Night
  58. Better Than Words
  59. Nobody Compares
  60. Once In a Lifetime
  61. Something Great
  62. Alive
  63. Does He Know?
  64. I Should Have Kissed You
  65. Back For You
  66. C'mon, C'mon
  67. Don't Forget Where You Belong
  68. Everything About You
  69. Little White Lies
  70. Same Mistakes
  71. Clouds
  72. Heart Attack
  73. Teenage Dirtbag
  74. Hey Angel
  75. Little Black Dress
  76. Loved You First
  77. Still The One
  78. Without You (Unreleased)
  79. Act My Age
  80. Change Your Ticket
  81. I Want
  82. Spaces
  83. Taken
  84. A.M.
  85. Half The World Away (Unreleased)
  86. Magic
  87. Never Enough
  88. Already Home (Unrealeased)
  89. Forgive Me
  90. Save You Tonight
  91. Stand Up
  92. Another World
  93. Illusion
  94. Tell Me a Lie
  95. Why Don't We Go There
  96. Don't Let Me Go
  97. Just Can't Let Her Go
  98. Na Na Na
  99. Forever Young
  100. It's Time To Get Up
  101. Santa Claus Is Coming To Town
  102. Do They Know It's Christmas?
  103. Heroes
  104. I'm Yours
  105. Moments
  106. Nobody Knows
  107. One Chance To Dance
  108. Only Girl (In The World)
  109. Where We Are (Unreleased)
  110. Wolves
  111. Wonderwall
  112. All You Need Is Love
  113. Because Of You
  114. Chasing Cars
  115. FourFiveSeconds
  116. God Only Knows
  117. Grenade
  118. Kids In America
  119. Look After You
  120. Man In The Mirror
  121. My Life Would Suck Without You
  122. Serious Song
  123. She's The One
  124. Sugar Sugar
  125. Summer Of '69
  126. Tell Me That You Want Me
  127. The A Team
  128. The Fresh Prince Of Bel-air
  129. The Way You Look Tonight
  130. Torn
  131. Total Eclipse Of The Heart
  132. Use Somebody
  133. Valerie
  134. Vas Happenin' Boys
  135. Viva La Vida
  136. Wishing On a Star
  137. Your Math Skills Are Terrible
  138. Your Song
  139. You Are So Beautiful

One Direction ist eine britische Boygroup, bestehend aus Niall Horan, Harry Styles und Louis Tomlinson. Sie wurde 2010 im Zuge der siebten Ausgabe der britischen Casting-Show The X Factor gegründet, erreichte dort im Finale den 3. Platz und erhielt anschließend einen Plattenvertrag bei Sony Music.

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