Songtexte von Prince

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  1. Purple Rain
  2. Jungle Love
  3. Kiss
  4. When Doves Cry
  5. Let's Go Crazy
  6. The Most Beautiful Girl In The World
  7. Cream
  8. 7
  9. Diamonds And Pearls
  10. Money Don't Matter 2 Night
  11. Acknowledge Me
  12. I Would Die 4 U
  13. 1999
  14. Te amo corazón
  15. Darling Nikki
  16. I Wanna Be Your Lover
  17. Soft And Wet
  18. Controversy
  19. Dirty Mind
  20. Raspberry Beret
  21. Adore
  22. All My Dreams
  23. Baby I'm a Star
  24. Batdance
  25. Gett Off (Extended Remix)
  26. I Feel For You
  27. Sexy MF
  28. Standing At The Altar
  29. Take Me With U
  30. The Beautiful Ones
  31. Valentina
  32. 18 & Over
  33. Baby
  34. Do Me, Baby
  35. Dreamer
  36. Erotic City
  37. Gangster Glam/Clockin' the Jizz
  38. Get Off
  39. Gett Off (Houstyle)
  40. Horny Toad
  41. How Come U Don't Call Me Anymore
  42. I Could Never Take The Place Of Your Man
  43. I Love U In Me
  44. It
  45. Kiss (Extended Version)
  46. Look At Me, Look At U
  47. Mr. Goodnight
  48. Nothing Compares 2 U
  49. Open Book
  50. P Control
  51. Paisley Park
  52. Rock And Roll Love Affair
  53. Scandalous
  54. Schoolyard
  55. Sign 'o' The Times
  56. Sister
  57. So Blue
  58. Starfish and Coffee
  59. U Got the Look
  60. Wonderful Ass
  61. You’re My Love
  62. 1+1+1 is 3
  63. 100 MPH
  64. 1000 Light Years From Here
  65. 1000 X's & O's
  66. 1010 (Rin Tin Tin)
  67. 12:01
  68. 17 Days
  69. 1999 (Keep Steppin')
  70. 1999 (The Inevitable Mix)
  71. 2 Nigs United 4 West Compton
  72. 2 The Wire (Creamy Instrumental)
  73. 2 Whom It May Concern
  74. 2 Y. 2 D.
  75. 200 Balloons
  76. 2020
  77. 2045: Radical Man
  78. 21 Guns
  79. 2morrow
  80. 3 Chains O' Gold
  81. 3121
  82. 319
  83. 3rd Eye
  84. 4 The Tears In Your Eyes
  85. 4 The Tears In Your Eyes (USA For Africa Version)
  86. 4ever
  87. 5 Women
  88. 777-9311
  89. 9 Lives
  90. A 1,000 Hugs And Kisses
  91. A Case Of You
  92. A Love Bizarre
  93. A Million Days
  94. A Place In Heaven
  95. A Positive Place
  96. A Woman's Gotta Have It
  97. Act Of God
  98. Adonis And Bathsheba
  99. Affirmation I & II
  100. Affirmation III
  101. Ain't About To Stop (feat. Rita Ora)
  102. All Day, All Night
  103. All I Share Together Now
  104. All That
  105. All The Critics Love U In New York
  106. All The Midnights In The World
  107. Allegiance
  108. Alphabet St.
  109. Alphabet St. (acoustic)
  110. Alphabet St. (remix)
  111. Alphabet St. (This Is Not Music, This Is A Trip)
  112. America
  113. America (Extended Version)
  114. American Woman (feat. Lenny Kravitz)
  115. An Honest Man
  116. And God Created Women
  117. Animal Kingdom
  118. Anna Stesia
  119. Annie Christian
  120. Another Lonely Christmas
  121. Another Love
  122. Anotherloverholenyohead
  123. Anotherloverholenyohead (Extended Version)
  124. Around The World In a Day
  125. Around The World In A Day (extended)
  126. Arrogance
  127. Art Official Cage
  128. Automatic
  129. Avalanche
  130. Baby Go-Go
  131. Baby Knows
  132. Baby, You're A Trip
  133. Baltimore (feat. Eryn Allen Kane)
  134. Bambi
  135. Batdance (The Batmix)
  136. Batdance (Vicki Vale Mix)
  137. Be My Mirror
  138. Beautiful
  139. Beautiful Strange
  140. Beautiful, loved and blessed
  141. Betcha By Golly, Wow!
  142. Better With Time
  143. Big City
  144. Big Fun
  145. Big Tall Wall
  146. Big Tall Wall (Version 2)
  147. Billy Jack Bitch
  148. Black M.F. In The House
  149. Black Muse
  150. Black Sweat
  151. Blanche
  152. Bliss
  153. Blue Light
  154. Bob George
  155. Boom
  156. Boom Boom, Can't U Feel The Beat Of My Heart?
  157. Born 2 Die
  158. Boyfriend
  159. Brand New Boy
  160. Breakfast Can Wait
  161. Breathe
  162. Broken
  163. Brother With A Purpose
  164. Calhoun Square
  165. Call My Name
  166. Call The Law
  167. Can I Play With U?
  168. Can't Stop This Feeling I Got
  169. Carmen On Top
  170. Chaos and Disorder
  171. Chatounette Controle
  172. Check The Record
  173. Chelsea Rodgers
  174. Cherry, Cherry
  175. Chocolate
  176. Chocolate Box
  177. Christopher Tracy's Parade
  178. Cindy C
  179. Cinnamon Girl
  180. Circle Of Amour
  181. Cloreen Bacon Skin
  182. Clouds
  183. Colonized Mind
  184. Color
  185. Come
  186. Come (#2)
  187. Come (#3)
  188. Come On
  189. Come On (Doug E. Fresh Remix)
  190. Come On (Hypermix)
  191. Come On (Late Night Mix)
  192. Come On (Remix)
  193. Come Outside And Play
  194. Come Walk With Me
  195. Comeback
  196. Computer Blue
  197. Computer Blue (alterative version)
  198. Condition Of The Heart
  199. Cookie Jar
  200. Corporate World
  201. Cosmic Day
  202. Count The Days
  203. Courtin' Time
  204. Crazy You
  205. Cream (N.P.G. Mix)
  206. Crimson and Clover
  207. Crucial
  208. Crucial (Alternate Lyrics)
  209. Crystal Ball
  210. Curious Child
  211. Cybersingle
  212. D.M.S.R.
  213. Da Bang
  214. Da Da Da
  215. Daddy Pop
  216. Dafodils And Roses
  217. Damn U
  218. Damned If I Do
  219. Dance 4 Me
  220. Dance On
  221. Dance With The Devil
  222. Data Bank
  223. Days Of Wild
  224. Days of Wild (original version)
  225. Dead On It
  226. Dear Michaelangelo
  227. Dear Mr. Man
  228. Deconstruction
  229. Delirious
  230. Deliverance
  231. Desire
  232. Deuce & A Quarter
  233. Dig U Better Dead
  234. Digital Garden
  235. Dinner With Delores
  236. Dionne
  237. Do It All Night
  238. Do U Lie?
  239. Do Your Dance (K.C.'s Remix)
  240. Do Yourself A Favor
  241. Dolphin
  242. Don't Play Me
  243. Don't Say U Love Me
  244. Don't Talk 2 Strangers
  245. Donna
  246. Down A Long Lonely Road
  247. Dream Factory
  248. Dreamin' About U
  249. Eggplant
  250. Electric Chair
  251. Electric Intercourse
  252. Elephants & Flowers (#2)
  253. Elephants And Flowers
  254. Emale
  255. Emancipation
  256. Emotional Pump
  257. Empty Room
  258. Empty Room (#2)
  259. Endorphinmachine
  260. Erotic City (dirty version)
  261. Escape
  262. Eternity
  263. Everlasting Now
  264. Everybody Loves Me
  265. Everybody Want What They Don't Got
  266. Everyday is a Winding Road
  267. Everywhere
  268. Extra Lovable
  269. Extraordinary
  270. Face Down
  271. Face Down (Money Mix)
  272. FallInLove2Nite
  273. Fascination
  274. Feel Good
  275. Feel Good, Feel Better, Feel Wonderful
  276. Fixurlifeup (feat. 3RDEYEGIRL)
  277. Flesh And Blood
  278. Forever in my Life
  279. Freaks On This Side
  280. Free
  281. Free The Music
  282. Friend, Lover, Sister, Mother, Wife
  283. Fun
  284. Funknroll
  285. Funky
  286. Funky Design
  287. Funky Music
  288. Fury
  289. Fuschia Light
  290. Future Baby Mama
  291. G-Spot
  292. Get Blue
  293. Get Loose
  294. Get on the boat
  295. Get On Up
  296. Get Wild
  297. Get Wild In The House
  298. Get Yo Groove On
  299. Gigolos Get Lonely Too
  300. Girl
  301. Girl O' My Dreams
  302. Girl Power
  303. Girls & Boys
  304. Givin Em What They Love (feat. Janelle Monáe)
  305. Glam Slam
  306. Glam Slam '91
  307. Glass Cutter
  308. God
  309. God Is Alive
  310. Gold
  311. Gold (X-cerpt)
  312. Golden Parachute
  313. Goldie's Parade
  314. Goldnigga Pt. 1
  315. Goldnigga Pt. 2
  316. Goldnigga Pt. 3
  317. Good Life
  318. Good Life (Big City Remix)
  319. Good Love
  320. Good Man
  321. Goodbye
  322. Gotta Broken Heart Again
  323. Gotta Stop (Messin' About)
  324. Graffiti Bridge
  325. Groovy Potential
  326. Guitar
  327. Had U
  328. Hallucination Rain
  329. HardRockLover
  330. Have A Heart
  331. Head
  332. Heaven
  333. Heaven Is Keeping Score
  334. Hello
  335. Here
  336. Here On Earth
  337. Hey, Louie Louie
  338. Hide The Bone
  339. High
  340. High Fashion
  341. Hit U In The Socket
  342. Hold Me
  343. Holly Rock
  344. Honky Tonk Women
  345. Horny Pony
  346. Hot Summer
  347. Hot Thing
  348. Hot Thing (Extended Remix)
  349. Hot Wit U (Nasty Girl Remix)
  350. Hot With U
  351. House In Order
  352. House Of Brick (Brick House)
  353. Housebangers
  354. Housequake
  355. Housequake (7 Minutes MoQuake)
  356. Hypno Paradise
  357. I Am (Extended)
  358. I Am The DJ
  359. I Can't Love U Anymore
  360. I Can't Make U Love Me
  361. I Hate U
  362. I Hate U (Extended Remix)
  363. I Hear Your Voice
  364. I Like it There
  365. I Love U, But I Don't Trust U Anymore
  366. I No
  367. I Rock, Therefore I Am
  368. I Wanna Melt With You
  369. I Will
  370. I Wish U Heaven
  371. I Wish U Heaven (Part 1, 2 & 3)
  372. I Wonder
  373. I Would Die 4 U (Extended Version)
  374. I'll Do Anything
  375. I'll Never Be Another Fool
  376. I'm Yours
  377. If Eye Was The Man In Ur Life
  378. If I Had A Harem
  379. If I Love U 2 Nite
  380. If I Was Your Girlfriend
  381. If It'll Make U Happy
  382. Illusion, Coma, Pimp & Circumstance
  383. In A Large Room With No Light
  384. In Love
  385. In This Bed I Scream
  386. Incense and candles
  387. Insatiable
  388. Interactive
  389. International Lover
  390. Into The Light
  391. Irresistable Bitch
  392. It Be's Like That Sometimes
  393. It Takes 3
  394. It's a Wonderful Day
  395. It's About That Walk
  396. It's Gonna be a Beautiful Night
  397. It's Gonna be Lonely
  398. Jack U Off
  399. Jam Of The Year
  400. Jealous Girl (Version 2)
  401. Jerk Out
  402. Johnny
  403. Joint 2 Joint
  404. Journey 2 The Center Of Your Heart
  405. Joy In Repetition
  406. Judas Smile
  407. Jughead
  408. Jukebox With A Heartbeat
  409. Just As Long As We're Together
  410. Just Friends / If You Want Me To Stay (live)
  411. Katrina's Paper Dolls
  412. Kept Woman
  413. La, La, La Means I Love U
  414. La, La, La, He, He, Hee
  415. La,la,la means I love you
  416. Lady Cab Driver
  417. Last December
  418. Last Heart
  419. Laydown
  420. Le Grind
  421. Lemon Crush
  422. Let Me Feel U Up
  423. Let's Go Crazy (Special Dance Mix)
  424. Let's Have A Baby
  425. Let's Pretend We're Married
  426. Let's Work
  427. Let's Work (Dance Mix)
  428. Letitgo
  429. Letitgo (Caviar Radio Edit)
  430. Life Can Be So Nice
  431. Life O' The Party
  432. Lion Of Judah
  433. Lisa
  434. Little Red Corvette
  435. Little Red Corvette (Dance Mix)
  436. Live 4 Love
  437. Live 4 Love (Album Version)
  438. Living 2 Die
  439. Lolita
  440. Look At Me
  441. Loose!
  442. Love
  443. Love 2 The 9'S
  444. Love And Sex
  445. Love Like Jazz
  446. Love Machine
  447. Love Or Money
  448. Love Sign
  449. Love Sign (Shock G's Silky Remix)
  450. Love Song (feat. Madonna)
  451. Love...Thy Will Be Done
  452. Loveleft, Loveright
  453. Lovesexy
  454. Lust U Always
  455. Mad
  456. Mad Sex
  457. Madrid 2 Chicago
  458. Magnificent
  459. Make Believe
  460. Make It Through The Storm
  461. Make Your Mama Happy
  462. Make-Up
  463. Man In A Uniform
  464. Man'O'War
  465. Man'O'War (Remix)
  466. Manic Monday
  467. Mary, Don't You Weep
  468. Me Touch Myself
  469. Mellow
  470. Melody Cool
  471. Melody Cool (Extended Remix)
  472. Mia Bocca
  473. Million $ Show
  474. Mindbells
  475. Miss Understood
  476. Miss You
  477. Money Don't Grow On Trees
  478. Moonbeam Levels
  479. Morning Papers
  480. Mountains
  481. Movie Star
  482. MPLS
  483. Mr. Happy
  484. Mr. Nelson (feat. Lianne La Havas)
  485. Murph Drag
  486. Muse to the Pharoah
  487. Musicology
  488. Mustang
  489. Mustang Mix
  490. Mutiny
  491. My Baby Knows How To Love Me
  492. My Computer
  493. My Little Pill
  494. My Love Is Forever
  495. My Medallion
  496. My Name is Prince
  497. My Name Is Prince (12" Club Mix)
  498. My Pony
  499. My Summertime Thang
  500. My Tree
  501. Neon Telephone
  502. Nevaeh Ni Ecalp A
  503. New Position
  504. New Power Day
  505. New Power Generation
  506. New Power Generation (Funbky Weapon Mix)
  507. New Power Generation (Pt. II)
  508. New Power Soul
  509. New World
  510. No Call U
  511. No More Candy 4 U
  512. No One Else
  513. Noon Rendezvous
  514. Northside
  515. Now
  516. Number One
  517. Objects In The Mirror
  518. Ol' Skool Company
  519. Old Friends 4 Sale
  520. On The Couch
  521. On Your Own
  522. One Day We Will All B Free
  523. One Kiss At A Time
  524. One Night Alone
  525. One Of Us
  526. One Of Your Tears
  527. One Song
  528. Oobey Doop
  529. Orgasm
  530. Others Here With Us
  531. P Control (House Mix)
  532. P. Control (remix)
  533. Papa
  534. Paradigm
  535. Partyman
  536. Partyman (The Purple Party Mix)
  537. Partyman (Video Mix)
  538. Partyup
  539. Peace
  540. Peach
  541. Peach (Xtended jam) Live
  542. Pearls B4 The Swine
  543. People Without
  544. Pheromone
  545. Pink Cashmere
  546. Planet Earth
  547. Play
  548. Play in the Sunshine
  549. Player
  550. Poom Poom
  551. Poor Little Bastard
  552. Poorgoo
  553. Pop Life
  554. Pop Life (Extended Version)
  555. Pop Life (Fresh Dance Mix)
  556. Pope
  557. Positivity
  558. Possessed
  559. Power Fantastic
  560. Power From Above
  561. Powerline
  562. Prettyman
  563. Private Joy
  564. Promise To Be True
  565. Props N' Pounds
  566. Purple Music
  567. Purple Rain (feat. Beyoncé)
  568. Push
  569. Push It Up
  570. Pussy Control (Control Tempo)
  571. Q In Doubt
  572. Question Of U
  573. Question The Truth of My Actions
  574. Race
  575. Rainbow Children
  576. Rave In 2 The Joy Fantastic
  577. Rave Un2 The Joy Fantastic
  578. Rearrange
  579. Rebirth Of The Flesh
  580. Reflection
  581. Resolution
  582. Return Of The Bump Squad
  583. Revelation
  584. Rich Friends
  585. Right Back Here In My Arms
  586. Right The Wrong
  587. Ripopgodazippa
  588. Rock 'N' Roll Is Alive
  589. Rock Hard In a Funky Place
  590. Rocknroll Loveaffair
  591. Ronnie, Talk To Russia
  592. Round and Round
  593. Running Game (Son Of A Slave Master)
  594. S&M Groove
  595. Same Page, Different Book
  596. Sarah
  597. Satisfied
  598. Saviour
  599. Scarlet Pussy
  600. Screwdriver
  601. Sea Of Everything
  602. Seven Corners
  603. Sex
  604. Sex In The Summer
  605. Sex Me, Sex Me Not
  606. Sex Shooter
  607. Sexual Suicide
  608. Sexuality
  609. Sexy Dancer
  610. Sexy M.F. (12" Remix)
  611. Shake!
  612. She Gave Her Angels
  613. She Loves Me 4 Me
  614. She Spoke 2 Me
  615. She Spoke 2 Me (Ext. Remix)
  616. She's Always In My Hair
  617. She's Just A Baby
  618. Shhh
  619. Shockadelica
  620. Shoo-Bed-Ooh
  621. Shut This Down
  622. Shy
  623. Shy (X-cerpt)
  624. Silicon
  625. Silly Game
  626. Silver Tongue
  627. Slave
  628. Slave 2 The System
  629. Sleep Around
  630. Slow Love
  631. Snow Man
  632. So Dark
  633. So Far, So Pleased
  634. Soft And Wet (#2)
  635. Soft And Wet (Unreleased Version)
  636. Solo
  637. Somebody's Somebody
  638. Somebody's Somebody (Ultrafantasy Edit)
  639. Something Funky This House Comes
  640. Something In The Water (Does Not Compute)
  641. Something In The Water (Does Not Compute) (Original Version)
  642. Sometimes It Snows In April
  643. Somewhere Here On Earth
  644. Song of the heart
  645. Soul Psychodelicide
  646. Soul Psychodelicide (#2)
  647. Soul Sanctuary
  648. Soul Santuary
  649. Space
  650. Space (Universal Love Remix)
  651. Spirit
  652. Splash
  653. Stand Up And B Strong
  654. Stare
  655. Staxowax
  656. Still Waiting
  657. Still Would Stand All Time
  658. Stone
  659. Stopthistrain
  660. Strange By True
  661. Strange Relationship
  662. Strange Relationship (Original Version)
  663. Strays Of The World
  664. Strollin'
  665. Style
  666. Sunrise Sunset
  667. Super Hero
  668. Supercute
  669. Superfunkycalifragisexy
  670. Sweet Baby
  671. Tamborine
  672. Tangerine
  673. Teacher, Teacher
  674. Tears of Joy
  675. Tell Me How U Wanna B Done
  676. Temptation
  677. The Arms of Orion
  678. The Ball
  679. The Ballad of Dorothy Parker
  680. The Breakdown
  681. The Cocoa Boys
  682. The Continental
  683. The Cross
  684. The Daisy Chain
  685. The Dance
  686. The Dance Electric
  687. The Dawn
  688. The Everlasting Now (vamp)
  689. The Exodus Has Begun
  690. The Family Name
  691. The Flow
  692. The Future
  693. The Glamorous Life
  694. The Gold Standard
  695. The Grand Progression
  696. The Greatest Romance Ever Sold
  697. The Greatest Romance Ever Sold (In 2 Version)
  698. The Holy River
  699. The Human Body
  700. The Juice
  701. The Ladder
  702. The Latest Fashion
  703. The Latest Fashion (#2)
  704. The Line
  705. The Love We Make
  706. The Lubricated Lady
  707. The Marrying Kind
  708. The Max
  709. The Moors In Spain
  710. The Morning After
  711. The Morning Papers
  712. The One
  713. The One (Remix)
  714. The One U Wanna C
  715. The Other Side Of The Pillow
  716. The P
  717. The Purple Medley
  718. The Rest Of My Life
  719. The Ride
  720. The Ryde Dyvine
  721. The Sacrifice of Victor
  722. The Same December
  723. The Scandalous Sex Suite
  724. The Screams Of Passion
  725. The Second Coming
  726. The Sex Of It
  727. The Sun, The Moon and Stars
  728. The Sun, The Moon And Stars (In2 version)
  729. The Truth
  730. The United States of Division
  731. The Voice (#1)
  732. The Voice (#2)
  733. The Voice Inside
  734. The Word
  735. The Work Part I
  736. There is Lonely
  737. There'll Never B (Another Like Me)
  738. There's Something I Like About Being Your Fool
  739. Thieves in the Temple
  740. Thieves In The Temple (#2)
  741. Thieves In The Temple (Remix)
  742. This Could Be Us
  743. Thrill You Or Kill You
  744. Thunder
  745. Tick, Tick, Bang
  746. Tick, Tick, Bang (Alternative Version)
  747. Time
  748. Touch Me
  749. Train
  750. Trust
  751. Turn It Up
  752. U Gotta Shake Something
  753. U Know
  754. U Make My Sun Shine
  755. U Want Me
  756. U're Gonna C Me
  757. Uh-Huh!
  758. Under The Cherry Moon
  759. Underneath The Cream
  760. Undisputed
  761. Undisputed (The Moneyapolis Mix)
  762. Until U're In My Arms Again
  763. Uptown
  764. Vagina
  765. VanGough
  766. Vavoom
  767. Vibrator
  768. Vicki Waiting
  769. Violet the Organ Grinder
  770. Waiting Room
  771. Walk Don't Walk
  772. Walk In Sand
  773. Walkin' In Glory
  774. Wall Of Berlin
  775. Wally
  776. Wasted Kisses
  777. Way Back Home
  778. We Can Funk
  779. We Can Funk (#2)
  780. We Can Work It Out
  781. We Do This
  782. We Gets Up
  783. We Got The Power
  784. We March
  785. Wedding Feast
  786. Welcome 2 America
  787. Welcome 2 The Dawn
  788. Well Done
  789. Wendy's Parade
  790. What Do U Want Me 2 Do
  791. WHAT IF? (feat. 3rdeyegirl & Hannah Welton)
  792. What It Feels Like
  793. What's My Name
  794. When 2 R in Love
  795. When I Lay My Hands On U
  796. When Peace Will Come
  797. When She Comes
  798. When She Comes (Hit N Run Phase Two)
  799. When The Dawn Of The Morning Comes
  800. When The Lights Go Down
  801. When U Love Somebody
  802. When U Were Mine
  803. When We're Dancing Close And Slow
  804. When Will We B Paid?
  805. Wherever U Go Whatever U Do
  806. White Mansion
  807. Whitecaps (feat. 3RDEYEGIRL)
  808. Why The Butterflies
  809. Why You Wanna Treat Me So Bad
  810. Willing And Able
  811. With You
  812. Witness 4 The Prosecution
  813. Witness 4 The Prosecution (pt. 2)
  814. Work That Fat
  815. Wouldn't You Love To Love Me? (#2)
  816. Wow!
  817. Xenophobia
  818. Xtraloveable
  819. Y Should I Do That When I Can Do This?
  820. Yah, You Know
  821. Yes
  822. Yo Mister
  823. You
  824. You Shook Me All Night Long
  825. You Will Be Moved
  826. You're All I Want
  827. Young And Beautiful
  828. Your Love Is So Hard
  829. Your Way
  830. Zannalee

Prince Rogers Nelson (* 7. Juni 1958 in Minneapolis, Minnesota; † 21. April 2016 in Chanhassen, Minnesota) war ein US-amerikanischer Sänger, Komponist, Songwriter, Multiinstrumentalist, Musikproduzent und Schauspieler. Er war ab 1978 im Musikgeschäft tätig. Vor allem in den 1980er Jahren beeinflusste er die internationale Musikszene, indem er unterschiedliche Musikgenres miteinander kombinierte. Die stilistische Bandbreite seiner Musik reichte von Contemporary R&B, Funk, Soul, Pop und Rock über Blues bis hin zum Jazz. Seine Liedtexte schrieb Prince selbst, zudem komponierte, arrangierte und produzierte er seine Songs. Außerdem spielte er Instrumente wie Akustische und E-Gitarre, E-Bass, Keyboard, Klavier sowie Schlagzeug. Bei den meisten seiner Studioaufnahmen spielte er alle Instrumente selbst. Den internationalen Durchbruch schaffte Prince im Jahr 1984 mit der Single und dem Album Purple Rain zum gleichnamigen Film, in dem er auch die Hauptrolle spielt. Zu Lebzeiten wurden weltweit mehr als 100 Millionen seiner Tonträger verkauft und er gewann sieben Grammy Awards, 1985 einen Oscar sowie 2007 einen Golden Globe Award. 2004 wurde er in die Rock and Roll Hall of Fame aufgenommen. In den 1990er Jahren verfocht Prince entschieden die Rechte an seinem geistigen Eigentum, was er unter anderem durch seinen Widerstand gegen Tonträgerunternehmen zeigte. Aufgrund von Differenzen mit seiner damaligen Schallplattenfirma Warner Bros. Records legte er von 1993 bis 2000 seinen Künstlernamen ab. In dieser Zeit trug er statt eines aussprechbaren Namens ein Symbol als Pseudonym und wurde häufig als The Artist Formerly Known As Prince („Der Künstler, der früher als Prince bekannt war“) oder kurz TAFKAP bezeichnet. Nach dem Vertragsende mit Warner nannte sich der Musiker ab Mai 2000 wieder Prince. Anfang des 21. Jahrhunderts grenzte er sich zunehmend von der Musikindustrie ab und wählte unkonventionelle Vertriebskanäle für seine Tonträger; einige seiner Alben waren zeitweise nur über das Internet oder als Zeitungsbeilage erhältlich. Postum würdigten unter anderem Barack Obama, Bono, Bruce Springsteen, Elton John, Madonna, Mark Knopfler, Michael Jordan und Mick Jagger die Karriere von Prince. Seit 2017 werden sämtliche Tonträger-Veröffentlichungen des Musikers offiziell von The Prince Estate („Der Prince-Nachlass“) verwaltet. Im Jahr 2025 erhielt Prince den Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award für sein Lebenswerk.

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