Finde hier die Texte zu deinen Lieblingsliedern von Project 86.
- Safe Haven
- 1X7
- 3 Card
- A Fruitless End Ever
- A John Hancock with the Safety Off
- A Shadow On Me
- A Text Message To The So-Called Emporer
- A Word From Our Sponsors
- Above the Desert Sea
- Acolyte March
- All Of Me
- Ambigram
- And Help You Sleep
- And The Rest Will Follow
- Another Boredom Movement
- Avalantia
- Bleed Season
- Blood Moon
- Bottom Feeder
- Breakdown In 3/4
- Breakneck Speed
- Captive Bolt Pistol
- Caught In The Middle
- Caveman Jam
- Cavity King
- Cement Shoes
- Chapter 2
- Chimes
- Circuitry
- Cold And Calculated
- Cyclonus
- Dark Angel Dragnet
- Dead Man's Switch
- Defector
- Destroyer
- Doomsday Stomp
- Evil (A Chorus Of Resistance)
- Fall, Goliath, Fall
- Falling
- Firefly Without a Night
- From December
- Genosha
- Ghosts of Easter Rising
- Hollow Again
- Illuminate
- In Trenches
- Independence?
- Knives To The Future
- Know What It Means
- Last Meal
- Little Green Men
- Me Against Me
- Metempsychosis
- Misfit Toys
- Molotov
- My Will Be A Dead Man
- Necktie Remedy
- New Transmission
- Nocturnal Gaze
- Normandy
- Numb
- Oblivion
- Oculus
- Off The Grid
- Omerta's Sons
- One Times Seven
- One-Armed Man (Play On)
- Open Hand
- Pale Rider
- Pipe Dream
- PS
- Pull Me Closer, Violent Dancer
- Put Your Lips To The TV
- Rebuttal
- Rte. 66
- Run
- S.M.C.
- Sad Machines
- Salem's Suburbs
- Say Goodnight To The Bad Guy
- Set Me Up
- Shelter Me
- Shiny Skin
- Sincerely, Ichabod
- Sioux Lane Spirits
- Six Sirens
- Slaves To Liberty
- Solace
- Soma
- Something We Can't Be
- Spill Me
- Spirit of Shiloh
- Stalemate
- Star
- Stein's Theme
- Subject to Change
- Take The Hill
- Team Black
- The Black Brigade
- The Butcher
- The Crossfire Gambit
- The Forces Of Radio Have dropped a Viper Into The Rhythm Section
- The Great Golden Gate Disaster
- The Hand, The Furnace, The Straight Face
- The Kane Mutiny
- The Sanctuary Hum
- The Spectacle of Fearsome Acts
- The Spy Hunter
- This Time Of The Year
- To Brighten Your Day
- To Sand We Return
- Toast To My Former Self
- Transposeur
- Twenty-Three
- Two Glass Eyes
- Valley of Cannons
- Wait for the Siren
- When Darkness Reigns
- White Capstone
- With Regards, T.H.
- Wordsmith Legacy
- Wrought On This Holiday's Eve
- Your Heroes Are Dead
Project 86 ist eine US-amerikanische christlich geprägte Rock und Metal-Band aus Orange County, Kalifornien, die 1996 gegründet wurde.
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