Songtext zu 'Spectral Hand (Black Hand)' von Rimmersgard

Spectral Hand (Black Hand) ist ein Lied von Rimmersgard, dessen Text unzählige Suchanfragen hat, deshalb haben wir entschieden, dass es seinen Platz auf dieser Webseite verdient, zusammen mit vielen anderen Liedtexten, die Internetnutzer kennenlernen möchten.

"My first meeting with Death"

""I´m so lonely, lonely in the year 1775
Cold rain hides my tears
I search for way how to end my life
Near the grave I´ve been laying flowers sears

Death passed by my tortured mope
My darkest world is without hope
I think that some one at the necropolis gate
His sight is my new fate
I haven´t bright perception because spirit veiled my brain
I stand on the marble coast of the magical fame
In my dream an unknown person clothed in dark red cloak comes to me"

""Why art Thou sitting here my friend under this ancien oak?" Deep in my sorrow I see her brightly
Embraced with darkness, she´s my bride
She dances so macabre with flames
Tearful voices screaming her names
When f**king nazarene kneeling by my throne
My beautiful night holding the crown
I take off my mask, masquerade of vampire
I offer the life of eternal desire"

""Hate obscures my brain
This is my only answer
Get away!
On the water surface, my wife is standing"

""Make love with me, Jonathan"

""I laid my wife to rest in greyish autumn rain
Why can not I see her eyes again?
No-one can feel my undying pain
I crawl with my nightmares to become insane"

""I´m laughing with my tears
The darkness in my eyes
Terrible demonic screams

""O dear Jonathan Thou can not see darkness of the human life
Our Lord was callous to me
Thou must leave Him out of Thine life
I think that Thou could be dead and still live with me
Come into the arch of Death or be immortal"

""My hands have penetrated into the fresh grave
Musty odour of the earth be my requiem
In this lonely world there is no-one who wants to save me
Musty odour of the earth is my requiem"

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