Songtext zu 'Lock Keeper' von Rogers Stan

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There is an extensive system of locks along the St. Lawrence Seaway. The
locks have a marvellous history. It's a pity they couldn't speak half the
tales they've been privy to. I guess it probably goes without saying that
everyone who has to travel to make a living will relate to the parallels in
this song. Stan loved the road and performing was life's-blood, but he wanted
very badly to be the lock-keeper.]

You say, "Well-met again, Lock-keeper!
We're laden even deeper that the time before,
Oriental oils and tea brought down from Singapore."
As we wait for my lock to cycle
I say, "My wife has given me a son."
"A son!" you cry, "Is that all that you've done?"

She wears bougainvilla blossoms.
You pluck 'em from her hair and toss 'em in the tide,
Sweep her in your arms and carry her inside.
Her sighs catch on your shoulder;
Her moonlit eyes grow bold and wiser through her tears
And I say, "How could you stand to leave her for a year?"

"Then come with me" you say, "to where the Southern Cross
Rides high upon your shoulder."
"Come with me!" you cry,
"Each day you tend this lock, you're one day older,
While your blood runs colder."
But that anchor chain's a fetter
And with it you are tethered to the foam,
And I wouldn't trade your life for one hour of home.

Sure I'm stuck here on the Seaway
While you compensate for leeway through the Trades;
And you shoot the stars to see the miles you've made.
And you laugh at hearts you've riven,
But which of these has given us more love of life,
You, your tropic maids, or me, my wife.

"Then come with me" you say, "to where the Southern Cross
Rides high upon your shoulder."
"Ah come with me!" you cry,
"Each day you tend this lock, you're one day older,
While your blood runs colder."
But that anchor chain's a fetter
And with it you are tethered to the foam,
And I wouldn't trade your life for one hour of home.
Ah your anchor chain's a fetter
And with it you are tethered to the foam,
And I wouldn't trade your whole life for just one hour of home

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