Songtext zu 'I Swear The Visine Is For My Allergies' von Salt the Wound

I Swear The Visine Is For My Allergies ist ein Lied von Salt the Wound, dessen Text unzählige Suchanfragen hat, deshalb haben wir entschieden, dass es seinen Platz auf dieser Webseite verdient, zusammen mit vielen anderen Liedtexten, die Internetnutzer kennenlernen möchten.

You're poison, and I'm taking you in.
With every breath I'm dying.
I'm Dead.

And I hope it does, because it took away two years and possibly the rest of your life.

And I'm not sorry because this is the path that I chose
I know your not sorry for what your future holds
Cause the path that I walk is straight and narrow.

Was there a reason for your leaving?
And I'll take them out back
Leave them, you don't need them in your…
Take them out back, leave them, you don't need them in your life

And I'm not sorry because this is the path that I chose
I know your not sorry for what your future holds
Cause the path that I walk is straight and narrow.

So look at me through your bloodshot eyes, through your eyes.

So look at me through you bloodshot eyes, do I look as beautiful as I did that night?

And I'm not sorry because this is the path that I chose
I know your not sorry for what your future holds
Cause the path that I walk is straight and narrow.

Welcome to the world you've chosen.

Was there a reason for your leaving?
And I know, take them out back
Leave them, you don't need them in your…
Take them out back, leave them, you don't need them in your life

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