Songtext zu 'Day Dreamers' von Skizzy Mars

Day Dreamers ist ein Lied von Skizzy Mars, dessen Text unzählige Suchanfragen hat, deshalb haben wir entschieden, dass es seinen Platz auf dieser Webseite verdient, zusammen mit vielen anderen Liedtexten, die Internetnutzer kennenlernen möchten.

Day dreamers, mind racing, can't tell us no
Cause you don't see what I see
(And I'm a get it right this time)
So you won't be what I'll be
And you don't see what I see

(And I'm a get it right this time)
So you won't be what I'll be
(And I'm a get it right this time)
Cause you don't see, no no
(I'm a get it right this time)

Yeah, bitches know my pedigree
Young kids come into the world wanting everything
Ambitious when we see what power it can bring
Just rappin', just actin', just thinking'
If I could move my mom outta harlem
Somewhere where this chinese ain't the only option
It's time to live, we only been watching

All the kids with the dreams, staring out the window at planes
Like when martin lost gina, imagine my fucking pain
Potentially I'll never love again
With my nigga shwah and he whippin' in the range
I'm like shit I want a range, shit I want change
She said things won't change till we do, opposition so evil
My girl looking regal, I met her at the regency
I told her I don't know what you see in me
She said, the future's what you need to see

Day dreamers, mind racing, can't tell us no
Cause you don't see what I see
(And I'm a get it right this time)
So you won't be what I'll be
And you don't see what I see
(And I'm a get it right this time)
So you won't be what I'll be
(And I'm a get it right this time)
Cause you don't see, no no
(I'm a get it right this time)

This for my teachers who doubted, all the answers I shouted
All the times that I pouted, this occupation I'm lauded
It's crazy how the tables turn
Remember merms used to tell me, homie wait your turn
This shit that we earn, and my momma proud
My dad calls less cause I get it's hard now
Cause I took a different route, and I don't need help

Driving fast, passing clowns, with no seatbelt
Smoke through all the pain and the sorrow we felt
I can't be happy for no rapper friends, I know we could share
But fuck it, I want it all
I don't trust these niggas to make the call
These niggas is newbies, these jeans is ksube
Got a couple girls, man I only know they first names
Text them once a week and send them flowers on they birthday
These turnups never end and the weekend starts on thursday
By sunday we lighten' green like it's earth day

Day dreamers, mind racing, can't tell us no
Cause you don't see what I see
(And I'm a get it right this time)
So you won't be what I'll be
And you don't see what I see
(And I'm a get it right this time)
So you won't be what I'll be
(And I'm a get it right this time)
Cause you don't see, no no
(I'm a get it right this time)

Zu wissen, was der Text von Day Dreamers sagt, ermöglicht es uns, mehr Gefühl in die Performance zu legen.

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Streitest du mit deinem Partner, weil ihr verschiedene Dinge versteht, wenn ihr Day Dreamers hört? Den Text des Liedes Day Dreamers von Skizzy Mars zur Hand zu haben, kann viele Streitigkeiten beilegen, und wir hoffen, dass es so sein wird.

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