Liebst du die Lieder von The Coral? Hier findest du die Texte zu The Corals Liedern, damit du sie aus vollem Halse singen, deine eigenen Versionen kreieren oder einfach genau verstehen kannst, was sie bedeuten.
Siehst du das Lied, das du magst, in dieser Liste der Lieder von The Coral?
- Dreaming Of You
- In The Morning
- 1000 Years
- A Sparrow's Song
- A Warning to the Curious
- All Of Our Love
- Another Turn In The Locker
- Answer Me
- Arabian Sand
- Aunties's Operation
- Bad Man
- Being Somebody Else
- Bill McCai
- Boy At The Window
- Bye Bye Love
- Calendars and Clock
- Careless Hands
- Come Home
- Confession of A.D.D.D
- Connector
- Cripples Crown
- Cry of the City
- Darkness
- Don't Think You're The First
- Dressed Like a Cow
- Eskimo
- Eskimo Lament
- Everybody's Talkin'
- Far From the Crowd
- Fireflies
- Flies
- Follow The Sun
- God Knows
- Good Fortune
- Goodbye
- Grey Harpoon
- I Forgot My Name
- I Remember When
- In The Forest
- In The Rain
- It Was Nothing
- It's in Your Hands
- Jacqueline
- Keep My Company
- Late Afternoon
- Leaving Today
- Liezah
- Lover´s Paradise
- Michael's Song
- Migraine
- Milkwookd Blues
- Monkey to the Moon
- More Than a Lover
- Music At Night
- Not So Lonely
- Not the Girl
- Pass It On
- Precious Eyes
- Put The Sun Back
- Rebecca You
- Remember Me
- Return Her to Me
- Reward
- Run Run
- Seagulls
- Secret Kiss
- Shadow's Fall
- She Sing The Mourning
- She's Got A Reason
- Sheriff John Brown
- Short Ballad
- Simian Technology
- Simon Diamond
- Skeleton Key
- So Long Ago
- Something Inside Me
- Song Of The Corn
- Sorrow or The Song
- Spanish Main
- Sweet Sue
- Talkin' Gypsy Market Blues
- The Ballad Of Simon Diamond
- The Box
- The Odesth Past
- The Operator
- Tiger Lily
- Time Travel
- Travelling Circus
- Venom Cable
- Waiting For The Heartaches
- When All the Birds Have Flown
- When Good Times Go bad
- Who's Gonna Find Me
- Who's That Knockin
- Why Does The sun Come Up?
- Wild Fire
The Coral ist eine Musikgruppe aus England, die sich 1996 in Hoylake, Merseyside gründete. Ihr Stil ist eine Mischung aus Country, Psychedelic Rock der 1960er Jahre und Folk mit modernem Rock-’n’-Roll-Einfluss.
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