Liebst du die Lieder von The Crüxshadows? Hier findest du die Texte zu The Crüxshadowss Liedern, damit du sie aus vollem Halse singen, deine eigenen Versionen kreieren oder einfach genau verstehen kannst, was sie bedeuten.
Wir haben alle Liedtexte von The Crüxshadows gesammelt, die wir finden konnten, damit diejenigen, die wie du nach Liedern von The Crüxshadows suchen, sie alle an einem Ort finden.
- Home
- Of Angels
- A Stranger Moment
- Adrift
- Africanus
- After All
- And I Believe
- Angelus Everlasting
- Annabel Lee
- Annabel Lee (Spoken)
- Ariadne
- Astronauts
- Aten-Ra
- Avalanche
- Ave Maria
- Ballrooms Of Mars
- Before the Fire
- Binary
- Birthday
- Black Heart And A Hammer
- Bloodline
- Breathe
- Burning
- Carnival
- Cassandra
- Chains
- Children In Black
- Citadel
- Clerestory
- Confusion
- Crop Circles
- Cruelty
- Cruelty (Cruel Night Version)
- Cruelty (Cruel Vocal)
- Daedelus Flight… Icarus Falls
- Dance Floor Metaphor
- Dark Matter
- Death/Reunite
- Deception
- Defender
- Descention
- Dido's Reply
- Do You Believe...
- Dragonfly
- Dream Yourself Awake
- Earthfall
- East
- Elissa
- Esoterica (Through The Ether)
- Eurydice (Don't Follow)
- Even Angels Fall
- Exile
- Eye Of The Storm
- Fallen Angel
- Flames
- Forever Last
- Fortress (Eyes to Heaven)
- Go Away
- Go Away (Future Bible Heroes Remix)
- Halo
- Hanged Man
- Happy Christmas (The War Is Over)
- Heart On My Sleeve
- Heaven's Gaze
- Heaven’s Gaze (Bitter Tears Mix)
- Helen
- Helios
- Here Comes The Rain Again
- I Shot Tomorrow
- Immortal
- In Gardens
- Indivisible
- Infinite Tear
- Infinity (You Don't See Me)
- Insomnia (A Ghost Story)
- Into The Ether
- Isis & Osiris (LifeDeath)
- It's A Sin
- Jabberwocky
- Jackal-Head
- Jupiter
- Kisses 3
- Last Breath
- Leave Me Alone
- Leave Me Alone (Shaft 20/20 Mix)
- Live Love Be Believe (Recalling The Dream)
- Love And Hatred
- Love/Tragedy
- Marilyn My Bitterness
- Marilyn, My Bitterness (v2)
- Matchstick Girl
- Memorare
- Miss Fortune Returns
- Monsters
- Monsters v2.0
- Monument
- My Telescope
- My World
- Nothing
- Only Sleep
- Orphean Wing
- Perfect
- Porcelain
- Pornography
- Prometheus
- Purgatory
- Pygmalion's Dream
- Quicksilver
- Regrets
- Resist/R
- Return (Coming Home)
- Return (Coming Home) (Assemblage 23 Remix)
- Return (Coming Home) (DJ Ian Fford 555 Remix)
- Return (Coming Home) (Tenebrous Remix)
- Roman
- Satellite
- Sentiment Inside
- Sentinel
- Seraphs
- Seraphs (Revox Lost Souls Mix)
- Singularities
- Sinking
- Siren Song
- Sleepless
- Sleepwalking
- Solus
- Sophia
- Spectators
- Spiral (Don't Fall)
- Starfall
- Stargazer
- Stay
- Sympathy (For Tomorrow)
- Tauschung (German Deception)
- Tears
- The 4th Phase
- The 8th Square
- The Dying Song
- The Edge of the World
- The Sentiment Inside
- There Are Some Secrets...
- Titan
- Touch
- Uncertainty (In Space & Time)
- Untrue
- Valkyrie
- Waiting to Leave
- Walk Away
- Windbringer
- Winter Born (This Sacrifice) (ClubRadio Edit)
- Winterborn (This Sacrifice)
- Within
The Crüxshadows [ˈkɹuːˌʃædoʊz] ist eine US-amerikanische Synth-Rock-Band aus Florida.
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Die Liedtexte von The Crüxshadows folgen oft bestimmten Mustern, die du entdecken kannst, wenn du genau darauf achtest. Bist du bereit herauszufinden, welche es sind?
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Wir hoffen, dass dir diese Liedtexte von The Crüxshadows gefallen und dass sie dir nützlich sind.