Songtext zu ' 1000 Times A Day ' von The Early November

Auf unserer Webseite haben wir den kompletten Text des Liedes 1000 Times A Day , nach dem du gesucht hast.

1000 Times A Day ist ein Lied von The Early November, dessen Text unzählige Suchanfragen hat, deshalb haben wir entschieden, dass es seinen Platz auf dieser Webseite verdient, zusammen mit vielen anderen Liedtexten, die Internetnutzer kennenlernen möchten.

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A thousand times a day I tell you I love the way you sing
Even though it makes me cry, it's my favorite time to be alive
And all I know is I feel lost without you
"I miss you" is not enough

I know the story's old; it's been told a million times before
But to tell it feels so good
It reminds me that not all I do is right
And all I know is I feel so lost without you

Now I remember the day I was a kid in 8th grade
Your friend tapped me on my shoulder and asked if I would be your boyfriend
Oh, yeah, we were intense then
We would walk and hold hands
You were taller than me then I got a friend to tell you that
I didn't wanna be anymore
Oh, no, not anymore

So then for 3 more years we would never talk
And I'm not gonna lie though, I couldn't stop thinking about you
Then your best friends came over and I got them to call you
To see if you wanted to watch the band play "Dude Ranch"
I knew that that would impress you
So then we got to talking and before we knew it we were always on the phone
Talking until 4 in the morning
Yeah, there was only one problem
Now, I never knew your man, never talked to him
And still to this day I feel bad for it, but I knew that I loved you
And I knew that I had to do something

So I waited till the day that you broke up with him
We had a barbeque at our friend Jim's
Then we strolled to the backyard and that's where we shared our first kiss
Then you watched the band play with all your friends
And we played our set of Millencolin and Chocking Victim
I guess that didn't impress you
'Cause then an hour later between you and your friends
You told me that you didn't want to be anymore
Oh, no, not anymore

But then a while later we got back together
And we told each other we would be forever
And since that day we had our share of problems
And now we know that it's hard but better together
Oh, yeah, it's better together

So now we have a house and a couple pets
We're even getting married 9 years after it
And every time I see you
I still hear trumpets

Es gibt viele Gründe, den Text von 1000 Times A Day von The Early November kennenlernen zu wollen.

Zu wissen, was der Text von 1000 Times A Day sagt, ermöglicht es uns, mehr Gefühl in die Performance zu legen.

Wenn deine Motivation, nach dem Text des Liedes 1000 Times A Day zu suchen, war, dass du es absolut liebst, hoffen wir, dass du es genießen kannst, es zu singen.

Ein sehr häufiger Grund, den Text von 1000 Times A Day zu suchen, ist der Wunsch, ihn gut zu kennen, weil er uns an eine besondere Person oder Situation denken lässt.

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