Songtexte von The Pillows

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Finde hier die Texte zu deinen Lieblingsliedern von The Pillows.

  1. white summer and green bicycle, red hair with black guitar (English Version)
  2. One Life
  3. Ride On Shooting Star
  4. Patricia
  5. Sayonara UNIVERSE
  6. Star Overhead
  7. Blues Drive Monster
  8. Bran-new Lovesong
  9. I Think I Can
  10. Last Dinosaur
  11. Strange Chameleon
  12. Boku No Koe Ga Kaze Ni Kesaretemo
  13. Crazy Sunshine
  14. Fool on the planet
  15. Hybrid Rainbow
  16. Kim Deal
  17. Kizuato no Sasayaki ~ Dare mo inai PARADISE
  18. Scarecrow
  19. Spiky Seeds
  20. Subhuman
  21. Thank You, My Twilight
  22. Tiny Boat
  23. Days a Week (Cover the Collectors)
  24. 1989
  25. 21 Fingers
  26. 90's My Life
  27. Across the Metropolis
  28. Advice
  29. Akanai Tobira No Mae de
  30. Ame Ga Futtekita You Na Ki Ga Suru (i Got a Feeling It's Gonna Rain)
  31. Ame Ni Utaeba (sing To The Rain)
  32. Ameagari ni Mita Maboroshi
  33. And Hello!
  34. Angel Fish
  35. Ano hi to onaji sora no shita de
  36. Ano Koro Ni Modotte (back To Then)
  37. Another Morning
  38. Asoko He Kaeritai (i Want To Return There)
  39. Babiron Tenshi no Shi
  40. Back seat Dog
  41. Beautiful morning with you
  42. Beautiful Picture
  43. BeeHive
  44. Beyond The Moon
  45. Biography
  46. Birthday
  47. Biscuit Hammer
  48. Bite Me
  49. Black Sheep
  50. Boat House
  51. Boku de Irareru You Ni (As If I Were...)
  52. boku wa AUTOSAIDÂ ( i'm an outsider )
  53. Boku Wa Kakera (i'm a Broken Piece)
  54. Bokura no Haree no Suisei (Our Halley's Comet)
  55. Borderline Case
  56. Boys Be Locksmith
  57. Brillant Crown
  58. Burû Mâchi (blue March)
  59. Bye Bye Sweet Pain
  60. Calvero
  61. Carnival
  62. Century Creepers
  63. Cherry
  64. Clare Butterfly
  65. Colorful Pumpkin Fields
  66. Come Down
  67. Come On, Ghost
  68. Comic Sonic
  69. Curly Rudy
  70. Dance with God
  71. Daydream Wonder
  72. Dead Stock Paradise
  73. Dear, my 'first' step
  74. Degeneration
  75. Emerald City
  76. Energy
  77. Everyday Songs
  78. Fakin' It
  79. Fighting Pose
  80. Finger Post Of Magic
  81. Flag Star
  83. Foxes
  84. Freebee Honey
  85. Frontiers
  87. Funny Bunny
  88. Gazelle City
  89. Girlfriend
  90. Girls Don't Cry
  91. Give Me Up
  92. Gloomy Night
  93. Go! Go! Jupiter
  94. Going Down
  95. Good Dreams
  96. Good Dreams (Cover the Roosters)
  97. Good morning, good news
  98. Good Night
  99. Happy Bivouac
  100. Happy Go Ducky!
  101. Happy Slave
  102. Heart Is There
  103. Heavy Sun (with baby son)
  104. Hello, girl
  105. Hello, Welcome to Bubbletown's Happy Zoo
  106. Hibi no uta
  107. I Don't Cry
  108. I Know You
  109. I Need Somebody
  110. Ice Pick
  111. Instant Music
  112. JINGURU BERU ga kikoeru ( i can hear jingle bells )
  113. Johnny Strobe
  114. Juliet
  115. Kanojo Wa Kyou
  116. kanojo wa SHISUTAA (She's my sister)
  117. Ki Ni Shitenai Yo
  118. Kimi Ga Iru (you're Here)
  119. Kimi To Boku To O-tsuki-sama (me And You And Mr. Moon)
  120. Kimi to futari
  121. Kiss me, baby
  122. koi no SUPAI ni ki wo tsukero!
  123. Konna Hi Ga Tsutzukeba Ii No Ni ( If This Day Would Go On )
  124. Kono Mama Koko de
  125. Kono yo no hate made
  126. kouen ~ koukan no WARUTSU ~
  127. Kuuchuu Register
  128. Ladybird girl
  129. Last Holiday
  130. Lemon Drops
  131. Lesser Hamster no Yuuutsu
  132. Let's See, If That's True Or Not
  133. Liberty
  134. Life Size Life (The Bag Is Small, And I Don't Enter)
  135. Lightning Runaway ~NO MUSIC, NO LIFE.~
  136. Like a Love Song
  137. Lily, My Sun
  138. Limp Tomorrow
  139. Little Busters
  140. Lo-Fi Boy, Fighter Girl
  141. Lonesome Diamond
  142. March Of The God
  143. Melody
  144. Midnight Down
  145. Might Lovers
  146. Mole Town Prisoner
  147. Monochrome Lovers
  148. Monster C.C
  149. Moon is mine
  150. Moon Marguerite
  151. Movement
  152. Mr.Droopy
  153. My beautiful Sun
  154. My foot
  155. My girl(Document Version)
  156. Naked Shuffle
  157. Native World
  158. Never Find
  159. New Animal
  160. New Year's Eve
  161. Nightmare
  162. Ninny
  163. No Self Control
  164. No Substance
  165. No Surrender
  166. Nobody Can Find Me
  167. Nobody Knows What Blooms
  168. Noboranai Taiyou
  169. Non Fiction
  170. Nowhere
  171. Okujô ni Nobotte
  172. Orange Film Garden
  173. Our Love and Peace
  174. Over Amp
  175. Pantomime (PANTOMAIMU)
  176. pari no josei MARÎ
  177. PÊPÂ MÛN ni koshikakete (sitting on a paper moon)
  178. Phantom Pain
  179. Pied Piper
  180. Plastic Flower
  181. Please Mr Lostman
  182. Poison Rock'n'Roll
  183. Primer Beat
  184. Private Kingdom
  185. Propose
  186. Purple Apple
  187. Rain Brain
  188. Razorlike Blue
  189. Ritalin 202
  191. Rock'n' Roll Sinners
  192. Rookie Jet
  193. ROORERAI (Loreley)
  194. Rosy Head
  195. Runners High
  196. Rush
  197. Sad Ai
  198. Sad Fad Love
  199. Sad Sad Kiddie
  200. SARIBAN ni naritai (i want to be salivan)
  201. Sayounara Daisan Wakusei (farewell, Third Planet)
  202. Scent of Sweet
  203. Secret Slogan
  204. Serious Plan
  205. Sha-la-la-lla
  206. She is perfect
  207. Shiroi Natsu to Midori no Jitensha, Akai Kami to Kuroi GITAA
  208. Sick Vibration
  209. Skeleton Liar
  210. Skim Heaven
  211. Skinny Blues
  212. Sleepy Head
  213. Slow Down
  214. Smile
  215. Something Like a Romance
  216. Sonna Fuu ni Sugoshitai
  217. Sono Mirai Wa Ima
  218. Spiky Goose
  219. Split Emotion
  220. Stalker
  221. Stand Up And Go!
  222. Suicide Diving
  223. Sukitooru Tooi Tegami
  224. Sunday
  225. Super trampoline schoolkid
  226. Swanky Street
  227. Sweet Baggy Days
  228. Tashika me ni ikô
  229. Tenshi Mitai ni Kimi wa Tatteta
  230. Terminal Heaven's Rock
  231. Texan Daily Life
  232. That House
  233. That's a Wonderful World (Song For Hermit)
  234. The Killing Field
  235. The Pleasure Song
  236. The Sun That Will Not Rise
  237. The Third Eye
  238. This is my fashion
  239. Tokyo Bambi
  240. Tonight
  241. Toy Doll
  242. Trip Dancer
  243. Tsuyogari
  244. Twilight Park Waltz
  245. Vain Dog
  246. Voice
  247. Waiting at the busstop
  248. Wakare no Uta (farewell song)
  249. Wake Up, Frenzy!
  250. Wake Up! Dodo
  251. Walkin' on the Spiral
  252. Want to Sleep For...
  253. We have a theme song
  254. We Have a Theme Song (english version)
  255. When You Were Mine
  256. White Ash
  257. Winning Come Back
  258. Winona
  259. Wonderful Sight
  260. Wrong Vacation
  261. Xavier
  262. Yellow Beans
  263. Yoake Ga Yattekita
  264. Youngster
  266. Yume no You na Yakusoku wa

The Pillows war eine japanische Band aus Hokkaidō. Die Band wird dem Alternative Rock und dem Power Pop zugerechnet. International bekannt wurden sie durch ihren Soundtrack zum Anime FLCL. Die 1989 gegründete Band veröffentlichte bislang fast zwei Dutzend Alben so wie viele Singles und einige Kompilationen. Seit 2007 stehen sie bei dem Label Avex Trax unter Vertrag. Die Gruppe gab Ende Januar 2025 seine Auflösung bekannt.

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