- A Night For Melting
- All That You Want
- Apart And No Fall
- Artificial Heart Designer
- Back Up Slow
- Before We Are
- Break
- Contact
- Desolate
- Duracraft
- Fades In Time
- Forever Again
- Fragile
- Glide, Screamer
- Hide Your Toughts
- Human Astronomy
- I'll Wait
- In The Fall
- Infection
- Let It Go
- Like Hearts
- Lions In Cages
- Llorar
- Love Zero
- Molest The Outher Heart
- Motor Away
- Not Even Sometimes
- One Thousand Five
- Persona Solara
- Shadow And Shadow
- Something Dificult
- Sydney
- The Glow
- The Problem
- Time
- Tonight, Octuber
- Waste Our Time
- When I Look
- You As The Colorant
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