Songtexte von Through the Eyes of the Dead

  1. A Catastrophe Of Epic Proportions
  2. As Good As Dead
  3. Autumn Tint Of Gold
  4. Beneath Dying Skies
  5. Between The Gardens That Bathe In Blood
  6. Bringer Of Truth
  7. Dead End Roads
  8. Defaced Reality
  9. Dementia
  10. Dominate
  11. Failure In The Flesh
  12. Force Fed Trauma
  13. Forever Ends Today
  14. Inherit Obscurity
  15. Malice
  16. No Haven
  17. Perpetual Defilement
  18. Pull the Trigger
  19. Siphonaptera from Within
  20. Skepsis
  21. The Binding Nightmare Hex
  22. The Manifest
  23. The Undead Parade
  24. To Take Comfort (In Yesterday's Scars)
  25. To the Ruins
  26. To Wage A War
  27. Truest Shade Of Crimson
  28. Two Inches From A Main Artery
  29. Welcome to the Wasteland
  30. When Everything Becomes Nothing
  31. With Eyes Ever Turned Inward

Through the Eyes of the Dead ist eine US-amerikanische Death-Metal-/Deathcore-Band aus Florence in South Carolina.

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