Songtext zu 'Children (feat. Anetra)' von Tonedeff

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Why Don't You Fly On By/
If Your Flock Dives You'll Die

You can get up under the wind and glide away/
The Sky is big enough for everybody.
You don't have to live life the normal way/
Just Glide Your Own Way

One day you'll look back at your life and wonder, like "what the fuck was I thinking"/
Puffing and drinking at seven - public delinquent/
Setting yourself up for nothing, just loving life, cussing & beefing/
Without knowing what to believe in/
Or even care for that matter, cause you're too young to be hunting for reason/
When school days are your function of meeting/
And looking back on the days when the term 'back in the days' wasn't existent/
You wonder if who you were is who you are this instant/
Cause when you're 10 you're not far from an infant/
Or when prom could be listed down as your longest commitment/
Shit, time has a wicked sense of humor that's harshly sadistic/
It puts what you did wrong, in the distance by foggin your senses/
I harbor resentment for bandwagons, and tailgators,
Braggart cats who ain't graduate with a penchant for brand-fashion
Little miss know it all bitches, and Bully-Ass bastards with bad manners/
So, if you can't stand it, let's demand action/

You can get up under the wind and glide away/
The Sky is big enough for everybody.
You don't have to live life the normal way/
Just Glide Your Own Way

You see - hindsight is 20/20 as motherfucker/
Some people never learn from others, cause they love to suffer/
I'm being real with y'all, I seldom bunch my tongue up/
Yet, to this day, I never had the balls to say 'fuck' in front my mother/
I've come to realize the world changes with every summer/
Sundown to sun up, the seasons run out asunder/
I've seen the power of drugs, of greed and the violence of guns/
And the people somehow get numb, as evil devours the young,
With a feeble amount of love instilled in em,
Meanwhile even teachers don't wanna build with 'em/
But I realized that I can still hit em, and see inside where the chill bit em/
With heat provided by a lil rhythm/
I seek to guide whoever's grippin for wisdom, I'll do what I can/
Cause I wished I received a bit a this, but I was doomed to withstand/
The unscrupulous manner In which I learned, with ruthless abandon/
Now, due to demand... Children behold the truth is at hand/
See, them cats you hanging with now, is who you are/
And they'll become their parents, so look at them and decide if that's who you wanna be/
Honestly, think about their qualities,/
You're probably exhibiting parts of these people's behaviors chronically/
Call me a saint to warn ya - see that bitch that thinks she's the shit
At 15 with the heaving tits, the type kids would just fiend to get/
Will end up pregnant before she hits community college, broke and soon to be jobless
Abused by the dude she gets high with/
See, little girls believe every love is true and it's timeless/
Till they get fucked by 'Mr. Cool' and guess who ends up crying/
But guys ain't no stranger to the forces of nature/
We're only out for pussy, that's why we split with no good reason to break up/
Now, Mr. Iopularity... is just that.
In 10 years, he'll be Mr. Popularity with a bad job and a mustasche/
So, fuck that socialite bullshit that they force upon you/
Believe me, this is the exact course I've gone through.

You can get up under the wind and glide away/
The Sky is big enough for everybody.
You don't have to live life the normal way/
Just Glide Your Own Way

Fly your own way - Do your own thing/
Fuck what they say - Follow your own swing/
Use your mind now - Don't get swept up/
Use your time well - Don't get kept up/
Live your own life - Get your taste right/
Find your own vibe - Fuck what they like
Don't get caught up - Live in your own skin

See, most motherfuckers are sheep, it was true then and it still is/
Take away the uniforms, y'all will dress the same way to fit in/
Nowadays I see ya... Doing whatever you see on TV/
Media Brainwashed, buying a new trend every 3 weeks/
And you're knee deep in cheap weed, liquor... There's even STD's in pre-teens
It's different now... So, fuck whatever we think/
Right. Tell, ya might be. Things have only changed ever so slightly/
Like... Same Jordans minus the swoosh from Nike/
I see it's worse than ever. There's no respect and no thirst to endeavour/
Just kids that want to be first in the center/
With no work ethic - to earn their own personal shelter,
Bursting with pent up aggression, these are the things you observe as an elder/
Cause when you grow it hurts to stay inside your shell/
I'll prolly rewrite this song in 20 years, and dedicate it to myself/
I guess the jist of it is, that when you're big, you'll just miss how you lived/
And when you're a kid, you'll just wish you were big/
So For now.

You can get up under the wind and glide away/
The Sky is big enough for everybody.
You don't have to live life the normal way/
Just Glide Your Own Way

Wenn deine Motivation, nach dem Text des Liedes Children (feat. Anetra) zu suchen, war, dass du es absolut liebst, hoffen wir, dass du es genießen kannst, es zu singen.

Ein sehr häufiger Grund, den Text von Children (feat. Anetra) zu suchen, ist der Wunsch, ihn gut zu kennen, weil er uns an eine besondere Person oder Situation denken lässt.

Falls deine Suche nach dem Text des Liedes Children (feat. Anetra) von Tonedeff ist, weil es dich an jemanden Bestimmtes denken lässt, schlagen wir vor, dass du es ihm auf irgendeine Weise widmest, zum Beispiel, indem du ihm den Link zu dieser Webseite schickst, sicher wird er die Andeutung verstehen.

Streitest du mit deinem Partner, weil ihr verschiedene Dinge versteht, wenn ihr Children (feat. Anetra) hört? Den Text des Liedes Children (feat. Anetra) von Tonedeff zur Hand zu haben, kann viele Streitigkeiten beilegen, und wir hoffen, dass es so sein wird.

Auf dieser Seite stehen dir Hunderte von Liedtexten zur Verfügung, wie Children (feat. Anetra) von Tonedeff.

Lerne die Texte der Lieder, die du magst, wie Children (feat. Anetra) von Tonedeff, sei es, um sie unter der Dusche zu singen, deine eigenen Coverversionen zu machen, sie jemandem zu widmen oder eine Wette zu gewinnen.