Songtext zu 'Relationship' von Tre Nelson

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I hope you’re not discouraged, and I hope you’re not ashamed
May God give you the courage
To stop placing the blame on yourself and make a change
You will never be perfect; he knew all of your mistakes
Before you even made them
And he still loves you the same that’s what makes him so great

Don’t think about the bad things you think that you deserve
Don’t think that God don’t still want to use you for his work
Don’t think that you’re the only one that messed up in the church
Believe the most important thing is knowing what your worth

It’s all about relationship, it’s not about religion, just
Break into his vision and break out of Tradition, It’s
All about relationship, it’s not about religion, just
Break into his vision and, break out Tradition, and
Love, love Him with your whole heart
That’s all he really wants you to do
Love, love Him with your whole heart
That’s all he really wants you to do

If you already feel bad
Don’t let them people make you fell badder just because of your sin
Mama used to say
They don’t have a heaven or hell, a throne or a cell to put you in
Ain’t nothing worse than going to church
To hear the word, and you uncomfortable in your skin
In Christ there’s supposed to be freedom
Not locked up, feeling like you’re in a pin
If you’re desire is for him to take you higher
Ask for him to purify ya, but be ready for the fire
You already know that most change is not an overnighter
Don’t be weary don’t be tired
To whom much is given, much is required

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