Songtext zu 'Ghost Ship' von Tripod

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(Voice 1) This is the first song from our new CD, I just have to warn you, its a little bit scary

(Voice 2) Very very scary, B minus scary, seriously the people in this room are pooing their pants right now!
Its that scary.

(Voice 1) See the lonely township,
peacefully sleeping,
the sun hides once again behind the sea,
most are simply dreaming,
of angel kisses

*Voice 2 mades kissing noises*

(Voice 1) and butterflys

*voice 3 makes a weird roaring screetching noise*

(Voice 1) But sinners can't escape so easily,

(Voice 2) The murderers, the thieves and the fruadulants,
The overweight, the middle-class, the foreigners,
they all must beware, for whats that looming there?
a ghostly specter of the sea

(Voice 1) Wao, ghost ship,
Ghost Ship,
Ghost ship, coming to get them,
Ghost Ship, sinners beware,
Ghost Ship, ain't no escaping,
The ghost ship coming there.

*Voice 3 does a high pitched toot-toot*
(Voice 1)What was that?
(Voice 3)It was the ghost ship
*does toot-toot noise again*
(Voice 1)No man its got to be really scary.
*Voice 3 does a deeper toot-toot*
(Voice 2) No really disturbing.
(Voice 3) Oh... milky discharge
(voices 1&2) Ewww... yeah thats better.

(Voice 1) Its masts are made of piled up skulls,
its deck is made of human nuts,
its sails are made of sailor skins,
its guts are made of... well guts.

(All together) Its a feat of engineering

(Voice 2) I wonder who built it
(Voice 3) I wonder who built it too

(Voice 2) out of the night, under the ocean sky,
i was standing with my baby on the boardwalk and the ghost ship was there,
I took her to the pictures,
then I took her home,
then I took her to heaven, if you know what i mean...

*Laughter in background*

(Voice 1) Umm... I don't want to stop it or anything but I am going to go with some of the chuckles from the audience out there and suggest that a few of these punters have spotted the same inconscitencies in this song as I have. Um, when did this song become about some woman?

(Voice 2) Well I kinda figured that the guys love all the evil ghost ship, scary demonic muah boogyman kinda stuff. But as soon as you start to talk about love, now you've got the ladies listening. Because the ladies want to imagine that they are making love to the singer.

(Voice 1) What?!?!?!

(Voice 2) Nah I read it in Rolling Stones go with me on this... 1 and 2 and 34

(All) Ghost Ship

(Voice 2) My baby kisses like a ghost ship,
I touch my baby on her ghost ship,
the deck is bursting...

(Voice 1) Alright, Alright, just a minute here. I touch my baby on her ghost ship??? Where exactly is a woman's ghost ship?

(Voice 2) Don't you know?

(Voice 3) I don't think he knows! Anyway, anyway I cant believe I am saying this but i think that he is onto something. but you may be coming in a little too fast, now if you want to do this love thing you have got to create a bit of a mood. You have to get inside the head of a female girl, tell them what they want to hear.

Can I give you an example?

Ghost Ship, Expressing my feelings,
Ghost Ship, Being a good listener,
Ghost Ship, Thoughtful companion,

(Voice 1) I dont even know ehat this song is about anymore.

(Voice 3) It's like foreplay

(Voice 2) Yeah

(Voice 1) No!!!
Its not about foreplay, its about a horrible spectral ship that comes and gets sinners.

(Voice 2) What are they wearing?

(Voice 1) NO!!!
There is no focus, if there is a woman on it then its because she is a sinner. Do you get it? Right?

(Voice 2) Yeah

(Voice 1) The woman is a sinner,
she is going to be dragged away,

(Voice 2) But not before I bone her on the boardwalk,
and some more in her car.

(Voice 3) I am a sentimental kind,
with flowers and a lifestyle design,

(Voice 1) She will be torn apart by demons

(Voice 2) While she is touching my buns

(All) Ghost Ship

(Voice 1) flesh eating firey man,

(All) Ghost ship

(Voice 1) Ship of the damned

(All) Ghost Ship
(Voice 2) Overtly Sexual
(Voice 1) Murderous
(Voice 3) Empathy
(Voice 2) Nude
(Voice 1) Banshees
(Voice 3) Thoughtful
(Voice 2) ASS

(All) Ghost Ship

Wenn uns ein Lied wirklich gefällt, wie es bei dir mit Ghost Ship von Tripod der Fall sein könnte, möchten wir es singen können, während wir den Text gut kennen.

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Es ist wichtig zu beachten, dass Tripod in Live-Konzerten nicht immer oder wird nicht immer treu zum Text des Liedes Ghost Ship sein... Es ist also besser, sich auf das zu konzentrieren, was das Lied Ghost Ship auf der Platte sagt.

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