Songtext zu 'Russian roulette' von Triumvirat

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By the time you're grown and use your brain
Your childhood dreams will fade away
You learn to argue, learn to fight
And get a little colder every day
When you get married for the second time You're taking in a lawyer to protect your dime
For liberation, that's the price you pay Another thing you pay for along the line
Is the shrink to keep you sane
While you go out of your mind
That's life in the money making game . .
We get our kicks from Russian Roulette
Oh, Oh it's a deadly duet
There ain't no tricks in Russian Roulette
You lose from time to time
But how we love the thrills you can get
When playing Russian Roulette
It's a game for husband and wife
What do you want from life
The midlife-crisis starting age
Is getting younger by the day
A nervous breakdown at twenty five
You need success along your way
A write-off penthouse on the seventh floor
The hide-away for weekends you can't stand anymore
You need to rest yourself a while
Deduct your car, deduct your sex
Just get a receipt for your income tax
Deductability is the name of the
"How-to-get-rich-and-stay-that-way" game
We get our kicks from...
A house and a car, lot's of cash and a horse
A stand-by lover you can take by force
Smoke a joint to relax, snort cocaine at night
Do whatever you want but please do it right
Oh Russian Roulette
It's such a neverending deadly duet
Take a flight instead of a drive
Take all you can from life...
The house and your car, all your cash and your force
The stand-by lover you can take by horse
Do whatever you want but please do it right
Oh Russian Duet
It's such a neverending deadly Roulette
Take all you can from life
And think of all the little thrills you can get
When playing Russian Roulette
It's a game for husband and wife
What do you want from life?
What do you want from life?
What do you want from life?
A house?
A car, lots of cash?
And a horse
Or did you really think that a baby's arm
Could hold an apple?

Zu wissen, was der Text von Russian roulette sagt, ermöglicht es uns, mehr Gefühl in die Performance zu legen.

Es ist wichtig zu beachten, dass Triumvirat in Live-Konzerten nicht immer oder wird nicht immer treu zum Text des Liedes Russian roulette sein... Es ist also besser, sich auf das zu konzentrieren, was das Lied Russian roulette auf der Platte sagt.

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