Songtext zu 'Underwear Pissy' von Ultramagnetic MC's

Underwear Pissy ist ein Lied von Ultramagnetic MC's, dessen Text unzählige Suchanfragen hat, deshalb haben wir entschieden, dass es seinen Platz auf dieser Webseite verdient, zusammen mit vielen anderen Liedtexten, die Internetnutzer kennenlernen möchten.

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[Kool Keith:]
New York seasony! You know the reason B!
They call me Nakwan, underwear pissy
I'm wipin my ass with rap right now, cause it's crap right now
I shit in your Bentley, hurry up you gotta pack right now
Make your bitch lick the asshole of a cow (mooooo)
My fetish is out of focus, I seen niggaz cry
when I tear up the money, and piss on 900 thou'
Throw 800 pairs of gators in the incinerator
You niggaz still think I owe you a lot of FAVORS~!
Jewelry to me is nothin but wallpaper
I burn watches and get new shit, no car
Taxi cab is how I do shit
Mercedes called me, I hung up the phone
I said I don't like to DRIVE, FUCK A NEW WHIP
I love when human niggaz look like a Cabbage Patch
when I staple they lips together
Have girls come out of Creedmore and sauter they dicks together
Carry a skull around 82nd Street!
Me and your face stick together
I shit on top of your personal vendetta
Leave a bag of horse shit on your dresser
Diarrhea on your green two door Benz compressor
Wipe the doo-doo off your chest-ah! It's the shit investor
With thirty boa constrictors in the bag
Is Bob upstairs? We got a problem
Where the fuck is Lester?
I'm that nigga with 16 apartments in Park Chester
Hangin in the Cincinatti Riverfront Stadium
Like Ed Umprester
I know so I don't worry, it'll come back
The evil oil voodoo, you kill yourself in a Testarosso
Doin 200 miles somewhere loco with a broke hoe
I spend a lot of cash to buy niggaz
New brains for the genetics
Got they growth fucked up, the mom that gave birth to 'em was, handicapped
The average monkey on the microphone, think they fast, with a handiwrap
You peep the movement, these niggaz that get off the bus
can't even match retarded kids!
Special schools and classes for those niggaz
In the PTA meetin, I can't work with motherfuckers that's slow
Or high, you bastards are time lapsed on 'dro
Nakwan! Decon!
A.K.A. Underwear Pissy

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