Siehst du das Lied, das du magst, in dieser Liste der Lieder von Wayne Watson?
- Home Free
- 2 Loves
- A Beautiful Place
- Almighty
- Another Time, Another Place
- Blessed Are
- Class of '99
- Climb On Up
- Come Home
- Cry Of My Heart
- Dreaming Again
- Field Of Souls
- Finest Hour
- For Such A Time As This
- Friend Of A Wounded Heart
- Glorify Your Name
- Grace
- Here In This Town
- I Could Live Without You
- If Not For Love
- It's Time
- Long From The Manger
- Merciful Heaven
- More Than A Little Unusual
- Pray
- Somebody Sing
- Something's Gonna Humble You
- Somewhere
- Steal Me Away
- Teenager In The House
- The Blood Of Jesus
- The Promise
- There Goes Sundown
- Untouched By Human Hands
- Walk In The Dark
- Watercolour Ponies
- What Are You Still Doin' Here
- When God's People Pray
- Would I Know You Now?
- Wouldn't that be something
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