Songtext zu 'Gangstas Make The World Go Round' von Westside Connection

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[Ice Cube]
I am gettin dizzy as the world keeps spinnin like a frisbie
Gangsta's and girls make the world twirl
No hesitation I can run a nation from incarceration
30 years is what im facin
But give me 7 seas and 11 gees
I make enough cheese to bring wall street to its knees
Nigga please I got enough guns
To fill the empire state building full of 1's
Go to school is what you tell us
But nigga's in school is scared of the goodfellas
We got the yayo you can just say no
But nobody makes a fuckin move untill I say so
That's how it is and that's how it's gonna be
Kids when you grow up who the fuck you wanna be?
Like me ya black superhero
Got enough zeros to hire bob shapiro
Ya honor im have to get rid of ya
Because it aint no trivia about my house in west bolivia
Blew the jury a kiss they rather dismiss
Them swim the big fish
You fuckin guppies!

Gangsta's make the world go round

Not just saggin waving my flag and never will
I ease up nigga, so stop askin
See I was taught as a tiny loc on
The set its all
About the pussy and money fuck the rest nigga this
Tech is quicker
To collect when im seekin all the jewlery & the
Money so miss
Me with that preachin teaching fuck all that
Bullshit I want to
Slang yae like noriaga sit back watch my paper
Collect like the
I.R.S. as I kick it with 50 bitches all on my dick
Just like the
President and like the police I want a gang of killers
All on my
Side thats down to lie more crooked that st. Ides rip ride on my
Behalf as I call shots as if I was saddaam hussein
Jackin motha
Fuckas for dana danes hated by many bit I don't
Care because I
Rather be feared than loved with a pocket full
Of dubs because
Gangsta gangsta's make th eworld go round and if
You want a peice
Then you best to be down so quit chastising me
Analzing me and
Like the escorts look over your sholder nigga its
Plain to see
Crooked ass cowards

Gangstas make the world go round

[Mack 10]
360 degrees like my d's the world be spinning
Nigga's been sinning since the beginning
Historys a trip so I peep when iam reading
Nigga's probaly grew weed in the garden of eden
Before big ballin sex cars and loot
Its like bitches been scandolaus biting forbidden fruit
But gangsta's dont deal with that shit, on the
And since they regulating hoes I roll with the
Best side
So check it as my lifetime is ticking
Coming up strong licking and flipping chickens
Need cheese in amounts of g's
I gave up sports to slang key's
But blamed it on my knees
Make sure I got what I need
To make your order
Everything to baggies triple beams to jugs for
My water
Like a snitch lifes a bitch a world full of drama
Drug paraphernalia being found by my momma
Trauma brings the sad song on your way to killa king
So now I stand with heat in my hand for my whole
Life span
Cause evil lurks the land
Plus I got a packet with this gang-bang jacket
Gotta hold it keep it loaded devoted since quoted
Fo sho one-0 got the ups on thses prankstas
While the world keep twisting as a westside
Foe life nigga

Gangstas make the world go round

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Fühl dich wie ein Star, wenn du das Lied Gangstas Make The World Go Round von Westside Connection singst, auch wenn dein Publikum nur deine zwei Katzen sind.

Ein sehr häufiger Grund, den Text von Gangstas Make The World Go Round zu suchen, ist der Wunsch, ihn gut zu kennen, weil er uns an eine besondere Person oder Situation denken lässt.

Etwas, das öfter passiert, als wir denken, ist, dass Leute den Text von Gangstas Make The World Go Round suchen, weil es ein Wort im Lied gibt, das sie nicht ganz verstehen und sicherstellen möchten, was es sagt.

Streitest du mit deinem Partner, weil ihr verschiedene Dinge versteht, wenn ihr Gangstas Make The World Go Round hört? Den Text des Liedes Gangstas Make The World Go Round von Westside Connection zur Hand zu haben, kann viele Streitigkeiten beilegen, und wir hoffen, dass es so sein wird.

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