Songtext zu 'Killing Time' von Wisdom in Chains

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we're alway working and working just trying to get paid. do what you want you'll never had it made. time never stops and death won't wait.
it's countdown to our ultimate fate. we're killing time and it's killing us to.
when you die you see your money wasn't real. meanwhile you never did shit.

life was in you in face but you never saw it.
Up above us the sky is falling, but the earth where we stands keeps growing and the second hand keep on going.
never stopping. never slowing.
we're always working and working just trying to get what you want you'll never had it made. time never stops and death won't wait.
it's countdown to our ultimate fate.

you think it's funny i play in this band, never making no money, living mouth to hand.
i've seen thw world with my best friends while you were in an office slaving fo the man.
Uh oh gotta get anotherday job cause you can't afford to keep your lights on.
Final secondes before your life's gone.
what the fuck did you waste your life on?
we're always working and working just trying yo get paid. we're killing time everyday. it's a countdown to the end of days

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