Wir haben alle Liedtexte von Cruachan gesammelt, die wir finden konnten, damit diejenigen, die wie du nach Liedern von Cruachan suchen, sie alle an einem Ort finden.
- Brian Boru
- A Druids Passing
- A Thousand Years
- An Bean Sidhe
- Ard Ri Na Heirann
- Battle Frenzy
- Blood For The Blood God
- Blood On The Black Robe
- Bloody Sunday
- Born For War (The Rise Of Brian Boru)
- Celtica (Voice of Morrigan)
- Celtica (Voice Of The Morrigan)
- Cruachan
- Cuchulainn (The Hound of Culann)
- Death Of a Gael
- Diarmuid And Grainne
- Erinsong
- Exiles
- Horned God
- I Am Tuan
- I Am Warrior
- Is Fuair An Chro¡
- Maeves March
- Michael Collins
- Oro Se Do Bheatha Abhaile
- Ossian's Return
- Pagan
- Pagan Hate
- Perversion, Corruption and Sanctity - Part 1
- Perversion, Corruption and Sanctity - Part 2
- Primeval Odium
- Prophecy
- Ride On
- Rocky Road
- Sauron
- Shelob
- Some Say The Devil Is Dead
- Spancill Hill
- Susie Moran
- Tain Bo Cuailgne
- Téir Abhaile Riú
- The Arrival Of The Fir Bolg
- The Brown Bull of Cooley
- The Children Of Lir
- The Column
- The Crow
- The Dead
- The Fall of Gondolin
- The Festival
- The Fianna
- The First Battle Of Moytara
- The First Battle of Moytura
- The Gael
- The Great Hunger
- The Living
- The Marching Song of Fiach Mac Hugh
- The Middle Kingdom
- The Morrigan's Call
- The Nine Year War
- The Old Woman in the Woods
- The Reaper
- The Sea Queen of Connaught
- The Very Wild Rover
- The Voyage Of Bran
- Thy Kingdom Gone
- To Hell Or To Connaught
- To Invoke The Horned God
- To Moytura, We Return
- Ungoliant
- Unstabled (Steeds of Macha)
- Viking Slayer
- Wolfe Tone
- Years
Cruachan oder Cruachán steht für:
Cruachan (Irland), die antike Hauptstadt der irischen Provinz Connacht
Cruachan (Band), irische Folk-Metal-Band
Ben Cruachan, Berg in Schottland
Cruachán, anglisiert Croaghaun, Berg in Irland
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